Setting up RahiTuber under WINE on Linux - Thanks to @theflib for the tips!
RahiTuber works under WINE on Linux.
Notes on Hotkeys (may be fixed now that I'm no longer using keyboard hooks to detect them):
The only problem is that hotkeys don't work while the window is out of focus, but this is due to a limitation in Wine.
In case any other Linux users come across this, It's possible to work around the problem by using a simplified version of the solution described here:
Instead of creating separate script files, it works to just assign commands directly to the keyboard shortcuts in the Plasma system settings menu. Screenshot for reference:
Additional note for SAMMI users:
There was also the inverse issue of simulated button presses in SAMMI not being picked up. To work around that, put the xdotool command into a shell script and have SAMMI run that with a command: start /unix /bin/bash /home/foo/