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(2 edits)

Hi, just wanted to let you know that i have been testing the demo for strive 2 a bit. From what i have seen already, if this is only a demo then it is going to be a great game when actually finished.

I have a few ideas though, and i hope maverick reads them here.

1) Right now it is still a bit to much micro managing. You have to manually fill in schedules daily. Would it not be better if you fill in the schedule once and then have an option with repeat daily? I mean the schedule can always be adjusted later right?

2) The fear and obedience system. Maybe overtime after fear has decreased enough have daily obedience decay decrease less and less. Until it does not decrease anymore. ( Like the slave in question starts trusting her master overtime ). Also add a loyalty counter next to the fear and obedience counter, and as soon as fear is low enough have loyalty start to increase.  Also with the loyalty counter have it increase at a very slow pace, and when the loyalty counter can not increase anymore have the obedience counter not decrease anymore beyond a certain point ( like with loyalty at 100 obedience cannot decrease below 80 or 70). This way you create a bit of a waiting game with short term benefits for increasing fear to keep them obedient against greater payoff and long time benefits by treating them at the very least decent.

With high regards,
