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(4 edits) (+8)(-2)

Hello, I talked about this a long time ago with moderators of that specific server years ago.

Aside from Sunny, the girl who brought this problem, lots of girls are heavily changed. A lot of time ago, four years ago, I did not really know exactly what I was doing; I was just copying stuff and making minor changes.

Right now, as of today, all new girls are completely made by me, and that even includes scenes and backgrounds.

You can go and see new characters from sneak peeks or even some characters from the Christmas event. If you try to find all of them on the internet, you won't.

Also, a funny thing: the file you have there, the "2vrx4x," that looks like the MC, was not used as a concept for my MC. The card I used was from a guy that looked entirely different. If I recall correctly, it was a cowboy with black hair two pistols, and black clothes. ♥ XD

Lots of girls, like Narissa, have changed designs throughout the game(future updates), and they will have my own style and effort

Scenes used, like the Market, The Ruins, or static objects like the Guild or The Lake, will be reworked and redone, of course, with a similar design just for continuity! This is one example;

I did already speak about my mistakes, and I've already fixed them a long time ago.
If your concern is that I was and I plan to effortlessly make this game, do not worry. I'm doing my homework.

Also, do not worry about using your main account. I don't ban nor delete comments that talk bad or say things (except they are people doing some trolling). Everyone deserves to see everything that happened long ago and how I answer to that even today.

I hope this answer satisfies you.


More things may appear, as happened with Selebus, go to work you deceiver and thief! You are like the Redamz, ICSTOR, ArcGames and many others.


It's fine. Please play future updates to see that I've made my own style, characters, and scenes. Thanks.

(1 edit) (+1)(-9)

Blame KittyMaid, Kantanshi, Oasis951, Karnewarrior, Blazin Phoenix and many other for continue to defend tooth and nail their lack of work in f95zone.

But kid, who still keeps making mistakes for years, I wish you health and a long life.


Thank you so much!

This type of development takes YEARS with a huge team and a budget of millions, so the fact that one person can evolve a game like this is impressive, hence why I've never complained about it taking a long time. Some day when the game is finished, it will be worth the wait based on what I've seen over time