I don't know if this is a bug or should be, but when I left the game and returned back to my save, in the white orb I saw the character you will control later on. Also, the number of life essence I get (the hard number for rebirth) is not proportional to the number of slimes, when I had 8, I got 2 life essence, and when I had 2, still 2 life essence. The speed at how much control (over the creatures) I get gets faster with more creatures, but that's about it.
They also disappear, which I don't know if it is a feature or bug.
Other than that, I have read the descriptions for the upgrades and they are okay, for the slime, I don't really understand it.
It probably means how much control (that's the creature bar called) I get for each slime, and the bottom one meaning how much life essence I should get. But as I stated before, I only get 2 even with 8 slimes.
A very fun game nonetheless, and don't take my comments as me saying the game is bad, just some stuff I noticed and didn't know if it is supposed to be or not.
Good luck on future updates.
PS: I was on browser