EVERYTHING that Maxime says in the OP is TRUE.
But I can certainly understand your failure to understand as much. Just off that avatar pic it's easy to see that you are a barely legal idiot with minimal life experience. I suppose it's possible that you've gotten your dick wet once or twice (honestly it's kinda hard to tell if you're a tranny, or just a incel with bad DNA). But you haven't been through marriage and divorce and raising children and having a career and trying to juggle it all and then trying to figure shit out when it all falls apart.
Furthermore, the story arc in a visual NOVEL matters, you fucking retard. I mean, unless all you're doing is sitting at your PC with your dick in hand, and 1 finger on the skip button. Which, by the way, IS the preferred method of playing AVN's by their fanbitches.
And while reading THIS script, one can actually feel their IQ being drained away. But you wouldn't know that, little fanbitch.