I tried to get into this, I really did. It seems to have an interesting concept and is along the same lines as other AVN's I have tried and enjoyed, but I genuinely couldn't even get past the into. The dialogue was rough, and it felt like it was written by a child, the MC's personality is that of a whiny little bitch, and the overall introduction was very abrupt and bland.
Uninstalled and deleted in the first 5 minutes.
Recent community posts
Holy fucking thread necro batman LMFAO.
this is the second time someone has raised this tread from the dead well after a year of inactivity in two years. LMFAO.
for reference we ALL stopped replying to this loser because he's clearly a headcase with delusions of grandeur, thinking he's so clever in his replies. You're better off beating your head against a brick wall than engaging with this rampant fuck knuckle,
Hello. Enjoying so far, however I received this error when trying to view the PeepABoo stream.
|| [code]
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 670, in execute_call_screen
store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)
File "renpy/common/00action_control.rpy", line 131, in __call__
renpy.show_screen(self.screen, *self.args, **self.kwargs)
Exception: Screen [starpage_streams] is not known.
-- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------
Full traceback:
File "desktop_websites.rpyc", line 95, in script
File "D:\--Games--\--NSFW--\--New and Untested--\CommandingAHarem-1.0.5-win\renpy\ast.py", line 2259, in execute
File "D:\--Games--\--NSFW--\--New and Untested--\CommandingAHarem-1.0.5-win\renpy\ast.py", line 2241, in call
return renpy.statements.call(method, parsed, *args, **kwargs)
File "D:\--Games--\--NSFW--\--New and Untested--\CommandingAHarem-1.0.5-win\renpy\statements.py", line 342, in call
return method(parsed, *args, **kwargs)
File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 670, in execute_call_screen
store._return = renpy.call_screen(name, *args, **kwargs)
File "D:\--Games--\--NSFW--\--New and Untested--\CommandingAHarem-1.0.5-win\renpy\exports.py", line 3347, in call_screen
rv = renpy.ui.interact(mouse="screen", type="screen", roll_forward=roll_forward)
File "D:\--Games--\--NSFW--\--New and Untested--\CommandingAHarem-1.0.5-win\renpy\ui.py", line 299, in interact
rv = renpy.game.interface.interact(roll_forward=roll_forward, **kwargs)
File "D:\--Games--\--NSFW--\--New and Untested--\CommandingAHarem-1.0.5-win\renpy\display\core.py", line 3582, in interact
repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, pause=pause, pause_start=pause_start, pause_modal=pause_modal, **kwargs) # type: ignore
File "D:\--Games--\--NSFW--\--New and Untested--\CommandingAHarem-1.0.5-win\renpy\display\core.py", line 4543, in interact_core
rv = root_widget.event(ev, x, y, 0)
File "D:\--Games--\--NSFW--\--New and Untested--\CommandingAHarem-1.0.5-win\renpy\display\layout.py", line 1179, in event
rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
File "D:\--Games--\--NSFW--\--New and Untested--\CommandingAHarem-1.0.5-win\renpy\display\layout.py", line 1179, in event
rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
File "D:\--Games--\--NSFW--\--New and Untested--\CommandingAHarem-1.0.5-win\renpy\display\layout.py", line 1179, in event
rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
File "D:\--Games--\--NSFW--\--New and Untested--\CommandingAHarem-1.0.5-win\renpy\display\screen.py", line 770, in event
rv = self.child.event(ev, x, y, st)
File "D:\--Games--\--NSFW--\--New and Untested--\CommandingAHarem-1.0.5-win\renpy\display\layout.py", line 1179, in event
rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
File "D:\--Games--\--NSFW--\--New and Untested--\CommandingAHarem-1.0.5-win\renpy\display\layout.py", line 1403, in event
rv = super(Window, self).event(ev, x, y, st)
File "D:\--Games--\--NSFW--\--New and Untested--\CommandingAHarem-1.0.5-win\renpy\display\layout.py", line 281, in event
rv = d.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, st)
File "D:\--Games--\--NSFW--\--New and Untested--\CommandingAHarem-1.0.5-win\renpy\display\layout.py", line 1179, in event
rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
File "D:\--Games--\--NSFW--\--New and Untested--\CommandingAHarem-1.0.5-win\renpy\display\layout.py", line 1179, in event
rv = i.event(ev, x - xo, y - yo, cst)
File "D:\--Games--\--NSFW--\--New and Untested--\CommandingAHarem-1.0.5-win\renpy\display\behavior.py", line 1142, in event
return handle_click(self.clicked)
File "D:\--Games--\--NSFW--\--New and Untested--\CommandingAHarem-1.0.5-win\renpy\display\behavior.py", line 1075, in handle_click
rv = run(action)
File "D:\--Games--\--NSFW--\--New and Untested--\CommandingAHarem-1.0.5-win\renpy\display\behavior.py", line 372, in run
new_rv = run(i, *args, **kwargs)
File "D:\--Games--\--NSFW--\--New and Untested--\CommandingAHarem-1.0.5-win\renpy\display\behavior.py", line 379, in run
return action(*args, **kwargs)
File "renpy/common/00action_control.rpy", line 131, in __call__
renpy.show_screen(self.screen, *self.args, **self.kwargs)
File "D:\--Games--\--NSFW--\--New and Untested--\CommandingAHarem-1.0.5-win\renpy\display\screen.py", line 1220, in show_screen
raise Exception("Screen %s is not known.\n" % (name[0],))
Exception: Screen [starpage_streams] is not known.
Windows-10-10.0.19045 AMD64
Sun Dec 31 10:55:14 2023
But, other than that minor detail, I really enjoyed the game so far. Kinda need a bed in the MC's house, and a storage chest/working firepit would be great as well.
But all in all, a pretty solid base to work from.
I do hope you plan on expanding the map at some point as the current map is very small.
I tried to enjoy this, I really did. But being shoehorned into what seems like a 480x720 resolution. (On a 4k screen) really ruined this for me.
I tried ignoring that, but only got maybe 10 minutes into the game before deleting it entirely. The world map is way too confusing. almost ALL of the rooms look identical, making it nearly impossible to judge my location on the ship without keeping a mental map at all times. It's easy to get turned around and end up in the wrong room.
Those two factors kept me from even getting into the story.
Was enjoying it until I was out exploring and found a damn bear. It's impossible to kill with only the starter hammer and it follows you TO THE END of the damn map. I tried luring it to the wolves, to see if they'd fight and I could escape. Nope, they ALL started following me, to the end of the map. Tried luring them to town to see if the merchant's bodyguard would kill them.
NOPE! Just stood there like a moron as I'm getting yeeted by bear and wolves.
I could not escape from them AT ALL.
Immediately uninstalled as that bricked a save I had 2 hours into already.
Please limit the follow distance of the animals, or make the bodyguard do her damn job...
Not sure if it's a bug, or something else. But about 5 min in, there seems to be some dialogue missing in the conversation between the lady in the dream (before waking up to Neko)
and then a few more small bits that just don't seem to flow from scene to scene very well.
but the one that actually made me close the game down entirely was upon meeting the red demon lady, after subsquent H-Scene she asks about the "Bathing facilities" then it seems to cut to some random dialogue in a cave, then skips again to some other previously unknown character. It happens so suddenly and there's so much missing context it completely pulled me outta the story and I lost all interest.
Again, not sure if it's a bug or just poor writing, but it really threw me.
Also for the record I have triple checked that none of the skipping options were enabled. Especially transitions. (FAR from my first renpy game)
Devs will ALWAYS lose my support when they go from a free download to a pay per update platform. I have no issues supporting devs, but randomly switching from a free download to pay per update without any warning is a scam in my eyes. If you wanted to charge for this, should have done so from the get-go. Or done a free trial with a notice that we will need to pay to finish the story.
Too many abandoned games where the devs took the money and ran. I don't trust it.
I liked this story, but refuse to pay for it after you've already had it for free for a year with absolutely no hints or notices about future plans to charge. IDC if it's only five bucks per episode. it's the concept of honesty and accountability.
You lost a fan moonmi. And I'm positive I'm not the only one. WE are your bread and butter as an indy dev.
Holy thread necro batman. I totally forgot about this whole shitshow.. After re-reading it all over again. I'm fully confident that this person is a total fucking moron with nothing better to do than start shit with people online over a fucking story. Therapy wont help this loser, the only solution for this level of aggressive stupidity is 9mm in diameter and roughly 2 inches long.
I refuse to lower myself to this fool's level any longer.
Look, this game is good. It's fun, quirky and fairly well made. However it sure as fuck is not worth 25 dollars PER episode lol. I respect the work you put into this, but what kinda drugs are you on that you expect ppl to pay 25 dollars for every new update on here.
You can buy fully animated, fully voiced and better developed games for less than this on steam. This is easily one of the most pricey VN's on this site, and that's per episode.
I have no problems paying to support a dev when I feel it's worth it, but not when they appear so greedy. I'll stick to the free version lol
I normally try to remain respectful, but man, You're smoking crack if you think that's a fair price.
Ok, I have played at least a hundred different VN's from Itch, and this game surprised me. I don't easily get hooked on a story and this game just floored me with how well it was written. The animations and characters are absolutely flawless. The story is riveting and involving. This just made my top 3 favorite VN list. Superb work. I rarely pay money to support devs on here. (not due to choice but rather necessity as my financial status is not the greatest) but I will be either subbing to your patreon or at the very least paying per episode release here on itch. (Still undecided)
I know that english is not your primary language, and some of the english translations were a little rough, but not enough to drive me away or ruin my interest in the story.
My only (possible) complaints are as follows
[1:] In the early chapters of the game, there's very little face time with a few of the girls. (Amy, Betty and Maya) A few pick up later, but it seems out of the blue due to the length of time without them having any screen time.
[2:] in the chapter 2-3 transition several of the scenes seem kindof forced, as they had no real plot builup for them, they were just shoehorned in. Not enough to ruin my enjoyment, but enough to make me scratch my head a bit,
[3:] I was never interested in pursuing a relationship with Monica, and never made any choices to pursue one. However I did choose to kiss her on the cheek when she was upset about something. I saw it as more of a friendly, comforting gesture and not a romantic one, however due to that ONE choice out of several I could have made, but did not. I was railroaded into a relationship with her in chapter 3, which gave zero option to stop pursuing her. I have no desire to pursue her, but I was already several hours into the story and didn't want to start from scratch. This might be something to take into consideration for future releases. To either give a civil way to break it off for those of us that did choose the "kiss on cheek" option, but saw it as a comforting gesture and not a romantic one, or better illustrate the actual repercussions of that action when the choice is available.
other than those 3 issues, I absolutely love it so far. I did have a question though.
Is it going to have Harem options? or will pursuing multiple women end with a "bad" ending? I can see a few not being okay with harem. Mainly Yui, cause she's hella jealous lol. But With Betty/Phoebe/Amy and possibly even Alice, I could see them being okay with a Harem.
Just curious is all.
Sorry for writing you a book, and thank you again for this awesome work.