I have nine.
And I am not happy.
But I'm not gonna fucking like switch schools cause whatever it's two years and why would I put myself through the torture of being the new girl at school again.
Just two more years and I can flip the school off on my way out.
I swear it's so fucking shit dude.
Imagine this, mid-year, they started CHARGING US for the Google classroom accounts. So the people who didn't have money too fucking bad ig. And they won't accept homework assignments in physical form, it has to be on Google classroom. What the زفت (trash/shit in arabic).
Not to mention that, now that the school year is over, they've shut all the Google classroom accounts for the students. But wait... what's this? They sent the exam results... AFTER ALL THE ACCOUNTS WERE SHUT. MONTHS AFTER SCHOOL IS OVER.
So, how are we going to see our results, you ask? That's the thing, WE DON'T.
Every other school got to see their results. Us? طز (shortened version of طز فيك/فيكي/فيكوا which just means "screw you").
What do we do? We pull the results from our ass? Or from theirs?
This entire school is shit and the people who made it are shit and the people in it are shit and the ground it is on is shit.
طز فيهم و فأهلهم. ولاد كلب. ناس زي الزفت. ينعل ابو شكلهم (a series of curses in Arabic that, to summarize, basically mean "you and your family are shit." If you want a specific explanation of each sentence uhhhh idk ask ig. Or try Google translate, but I can't promise it'll be accurate.)
I hope the school goes up in flames. With no one inside ofc, but I still hope it goes up in flames.