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(1 edit)

Well, today was quite complicated because I didn’t have much free time due to work, but I made several tweaks that I had pending and felt could considerably improve the experience.

To this end, I added a couple of bars that help (or so I choose to believe) the players know when the action they performed (attack, block, grab, or POW) will be executed. This helps to strategize the fight a bit more.

On the other hand, I finally added the victory/defeat sprites for the characters at the end of each match to make it more fun :D. Lastly, I added a basic data structure that will help me tomorrow to create the game’s music (or so I think).

Finally, I believe tomorrow will be the most important and challenging day of the jam because I don’t have much free time due to work, and I need to tackle two important points: the music, which I have no idea how to make in TIC-80, and changing the controls to something more user-friendly since they are quite confusing without instructions right now. Ideally, I would love to create a small tutorial screen for the FTUE (First-Time User Experience), but we’ll see about that.