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Aw I'm glad you enjoyed it and four's shenanigans!! Although, I need to clarify that the game both on web + in the downloads section are both the same file (as in , there isn't a more complete + bigger version of the game unfortunately!). The payment is set up as an optional donation but both the web/download versions are free. web version is available for folks who can only play on mobile or don't have a compatible PC.

While I would've loved to add more features like a character customizer (that was in my original plans! but I couldn't figure it out in time), this was a project done in just 5 weeks by myself so I was limited in time/resources. I kept it small on purpose just to have a light, quick & fun story experience :)  Re: Eridanus, you can see some art of him in my last devlog about the game where I shared some previous art I did.