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I very much enjoy this game, homage-in-part though it may be, and it has great potential. Hesitated to comment lest it be taken as negative, but promised Tanxui that I would post this here if I played through and planned to continue (I do), as he said this is something devs want to hear: the girl's eye movements sometimes remind me of my huge cat, who has a big enough snout where he gets cross-eyed in close. Some of the girls (seems more pronounced if eyes are blue or green) seem as if their eye-focus setting was placed right in front of them during illustration, or perhaps where the screen is, not back where the MC's POV is. It seems to get better over time. Again, I think the game is great, and don't want this construed as a negative.

For context: He wrote about this "slight cross-eyed impression" in another comment section and I encouraged him to post it here since I know that the dev appreciates constructive feedback.

For the record, I didn't notice anything wrong with the pupil positioning, but I'm also not very observant and he seems to know what he's talking about. As always, all devs are free to heed or ignore feedback as they see fit.

Interesting, if you have any scenes in particular in mind that'd be helpful! I can go back and check where I set the line of sight. And thank you for playing :)

T is entirely accurate, though he does skip over the part about me not wanting to be That Asshole who gripes about a good thing.

As far as scene-specific, I'll do so if time permits.