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A member registered Jul 25, 2022 · View creator page →

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我正在使用机器翻译来回复您。目前没有中文翻译,但我们正在努力。我们可能会在几个月后与下一个 Eternum 更新一起发布它。

(I'm using a machine translation to respond to you. There is no Chinese translation right now, though we are working on one. We will probably release it alongside the next Eternum update in a few months.)

This game uses renders made with Honey Select 2, which makes it ineligeble to be published on Steam.

Yeah, I liked it! I feel like 0.5 is just an introduction, which makes it hard to rate for now. But you're right about the romance part, great suggestion!

Thanks for your reply! Yes, it's easier to write exciting stories for fantastical settings, but that doesn't seem to be the problem here. I just think that many conversations get boring after a while. They are either too long or not interesting enough.

I'm not a writer but let me give you some potentially irresponsible advice: I dare you to reduce all dialogues with Crystal and the MC's friend to half the length. Just focus on what's most important and see what happens.

Visually the game is great, both the renders and UI design. There's even a music player, nice! What unfortunately kills it for me is the pacing; most dialogues are too long for my taste. I'm usually patient and don't play AVNs just for the porn but there's not enough (non-sexual) exciting stuff happening to keep me on board.

I do like that the dialogue has explanations for words that the reader might not know, saves me a Google search! I would suggest that instead of annotated metric conversions you just have a setting that naturally changes all dialogue to the reader's preferred measurement system. But maybe it doesn't happen often enough to really matter, idk.

An impressive first release indeed! Though the pacing is either bad or just not for me. Still, best of luck with your brand new project!

This game uses renders made with Honey Select 2, which makes it ineligeble to be published on Steam.

It's among the game downloads, 4th option from the bottom.

I agree! Eternum and a few other AVNs were amazing experiences too but none of them reached as high as this one. I should replay it sometime.

He's right, you needed more affection points with her at that point and there was only a small margin for error. Either accept the loss or go back and try to make things right. You should probably go through the offical walkthrough and check all of Rebecca's decisions to determine how far you need to go back. The official walkthrough is among the game downlads.

I had a similar dilemma and decided to make a guidance mod some time ago, to end the fomo once and for all.

Group sex is basically guaranteed, yes.

That's not what I meant. I assumed that you'd like to play a villain; this is prbly not the best game for that. Games like Ravager would fit that premise better.

I don't think that the game is preachy, if that's what worries you.

There are some opportunities to be "evil" but the game generally encourages good behavior.

Yes, the game asks you about that before you start.

I'll check it out, thanks for the recommendation!

I see, then our preferences are about the same. As long as you stay on the romance paths you'll definitely get your fill of wholesomeness! But you could (if you choose) also be really mean to the girls, there's a huge contrast. The greater story is just about to kick off, not much I can say about it atm. The smaller stories are very interesting though.

Since our interests seem to align, these would be my top 10 vanilla AVNs right now:

  1. Once in a Lifetime by Caribdis
  2. Eternum by Caribdis
  3. Stormside by Atemsiel
  4. Ripples by Jestur
  5. MIST by 395games
  6. Shale Hill Secrets by Love Joint
  7. Companion of Darkness by Berkili4
  8. Cosy Cafe by Cosy Creator
  9. Double Homework by Love Joint
  10. DreamLink by Noctus Games

Needless to say, you should definitely check out Stormside! I had a blast.

Uhm, you have to find to the folder where you moved the archive.rpa file into when you installed Eternum, which is the same folder you also moved my mod file into.:"Documents/Ixalon/com.caribdis.eternum/game" And then you just move the new archive.rpa file, which was included in the most recent game download, into it. Your phone might ask you to confirm the overwrite and that's it.

Great game! I personally don't like sadism and thought that the game would be more focused around that, but the romance paths are really sweet. And going for romance doesn't mean that there are way less lewd scenes, unlike another game I could mention.

And the gameplay is so... interesting. A lot of humor and unexpected stuff and great ideas in general. A lot of other AVNs kind of fall short in that regard but I felt really entertained here. Highly recommendable.

Ok, here are some bad points: One, this is the laggiest AVN I've played so far. My PC is a bit old but it was a gaming PC once. I already played around with the VRAM setting, but no avail. It's very tolerable though, not that big of a deal yet. Two, since there are a lot of branching paths I worry that this game will take forever to finish. And by extension, that the game will get abandoned at some point. Would be a shame.

To complete this compliment sandwich, I think the lewd scenes are really well done. Animations, sound and writing are all great. They're actually one of the best imo.

I see, that's not the mod's fault, you prbly forgot to replace your old archive.rpa file with the new one when you updated your game. Do that and it should work.

Okay, I made a mod that is primarily a walkthrough mod but can also let you start from any chapter. Install it, tap the big N on the title screen five times and follow the instructions. Afterwards, if you want to play without any help, you can disable the mod in the settings or uninstall it again.

No, because the renders of this game were made with Honey Select; Steam doesn't want that.

If you're going to play by walkthrough, I made a convenience mod for exactly that a while ago.

Here's a guide

You only kept one savefile? This is just one reason why you shouldn't do that. 

I have a few ideas on how to recover your progress but they wouldn't work on Android. If you can get your save working on a PC version of the game then reply to me and I'll write up the instructions for you.

Otherwise, you can either play from the beginning, which people often do, or use mods that let you start at a chapter of your choosing.

There's a walkthrough here, third download option. Rushed Break is a lewd scene with Nova.

It's not 100% reliable but most saves from 0.7 will keep working in 0.8

Probably file corruption? Try to redownload the game.

Your mod adds the more gamey features into Eternum, those that other AVNs usually have. To be honest, I always liked the "streamlined" approach Eternum took, where less is more. I feel that gamey features often take away from a VN's immersion.

But I'm sure there are quite a few people who always wanted these features in Eternum and now there's a mod for them, which is great! I may not be the target audience but I still have some feedback for you:

  • Your music player should show the song currently playing. Not the one I've selected myself, but the one the game decided to play right now. To end the "Which song is playing at..." questions once and for all.
  • Your UI in general could use a redesign; right now it doesn't fit with the sleek style of UI that vanilla Eternum has.

A grey portrait means that you lost that girls path, which is essentially her romance side story. This is caused by bad decisions you made during play. If you want to make things right you'd have to load an older save and make different choices. I offer both a written walkthrough as well as a walkthrough mod here if you're interested.

I offer a walkthrough which is especially good at troubleshooting here, third download option.

You can load saves from previous game versions, yes. Though you should keep at least a couple of saves since they don't work 100% of the time.

Thanks for your reply! Sorry that the player base gave you such a hard time. People can be cruel; shitting on something we don't like is easier than writing constructive criticism.

I didn't play your other games, only this one. The reason I asked "should I play your other games?" is that the list of games I want to try is long. If you would've told me that this writing style is intentional I would've put the "not for me" stamp on it and moved on to other games instead. But since you agree with me, even saying that this game could use an overhaul, I'm compelled to try them!

Hey, it's sad to hear that you let player feedback influence you too much. Though I wonder what they told you exactly. What would the game look like otherwise?

Here's my opinion: I like AVNs with great stories and this one didn't really meet the mark for me. It feels like a constant alternation between a problem being presented and that same problem being solved. There's barely any struggle or twists.

And then there's excessive power creep. None of the power the MC gains really feels earned and it happens way too quickly, which prbly is a consequence of the first problem.

Then there's little foreshadowing or any predictability of what could happen. The magic system is soft and all I can do is watch as stuff happens that I just have to accept.

I liked the characters but there are too many LIs here which waters down the bond with each of them. The lewds are okay but often feel very basic and are over before you know it.

So this game didn't scratch my itch for a great story. But that's okay, this is your first work after all and honestly I'm quite spoiled by the high caliber AVNs. I still appreciate your efforts and I'm sure that you're now more skilled than when you started.

I'm considering to check out your other games as well but I'm unsure whether their stories will intrigue me. Based on my feedback, would you recommend them to me?

My first guess would be file corruption. I'd try downloading the files again.


Sorry but I can't follow your narrative. I suppose you lost your saves? The original single-apk version of the game only stores saves in its own app-specific storage (Android/data/Eternum). That storage gets cleared when you uninstall the app. The newest version of the game however stores a second copy of your saves in the file system; so you can easily make a backup of them and they won't get deleted when uninstalling the game.


Im Krankenhaus findest du farbige Zahlen; diese musst du in der angegebenen Reihenfolge eingeben. Am Ende kommt drei zwei null acht vier heraus. Solche Fragen kann der Walkthrough beantworten, welchen du unter den Downloads finden kannst.

In English: "You'll find colored numbers in the hospital, which you have to type in in the specified order. The resulting code is three two zero eight four. There is a walkthrough among the game downloads which can answer questions like this."

Here's an installation guide


There are multiple endings. If you want to take more than one (or all) girls with you then you have to get the best ending. I've outlined the conditions for the best ending here:

There's a progress bar on Caribdis' subscribestar page. They update it every 1-2 weeks. And you could get a subscription there if you're into sneak peeks and stuff.

Here's an installation guide