Very Quick Update...
Hello everyone, It's me again.
Well... I didn't make much progress on the game because I was on vacation and also because recently, I have started learning a new programming language.
The things I did (warning: it's not a lot...)
- Completed some placeholder stuff
- Made the intro tutorial for the story mode!
- Made an original track for the said tutorial!
- Uhh ehh, nothing else
Voxel Engine Update:
I'm thinking about Rust + Bevy combo for my voxel engine.
If you don't know, Rust is a low level programming language and Bevy is an API (or a game engine, I'm not sure)
I have seen ALOT of people make voxel engines with this combination, so I decided to give it a shot.
Keep your chins up!
-Learning Rust will help me develop more performance-friendly games in the future. This mean, it makes me one step closer to developing my dream games!
-The most difficult and confusing parts of SunSweeper are done anyway, so from now on, I will be putting all my focus towards finishing the game!