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Okay, out of curiosity I went and visited their website. The website has a different version of the game. An older one, I think. The website also contained Eraanthe's twitter and the most recent tweet was linking to this page. If you're reading this,  Areving or Eraanthe,  i'm sorry. I read my comments back and they came off as biased and a little bit harsh. I didn't know much about the developer or their experience with game design or artwork. I was taking the game at face value for what I thought of it. Let me go through my feedback once again, especially now that I have so much more knowledge about the game by seeing others' comments and feedback. Disclaimer: I, as of making this comment have not played past the second goblin fight. So keep that in mind while reading this. And also, a lot of this feedback is probably going to be repetitive to you, but it's because I genuinely think that it's important enough.

I love the presentation of the game, it looks clean sleek and overall really professional especially for an erotic indie game.

The game looks great on the outward presentation, but the inside is a little messy still. I understand that you're focusing on Act 1 of the game, but this prologue definitely need some fine tuning.

The cutscenes are plentiful, but long (In almost every single cutscene there is a drawn out pause while either Yoshiko thinks for a couple of seconds or someone leaves the scene. This most likely due to you using the "Wait for completion" on all of the Move Routes. That makes it so that the cutscene will not continue until the Move Route is done. Combine this with the slow movement speed of the characters in the majority of the scenes and it's a long wait. As for Yoshiko's thinking. I understand the need for a pause, but it happens very often. I love yoshiko's personality as a happy-go-lucky, air headed adventurer, but these scenes where she pauses to think for a couple of seconds are excessive. If you're using the "Wait..." command under the "timing" category then you need to decrease the amount of frames that it waits before continuing. Remember that the game runs (Or at least it's intended to) in 60 Frames Per Second. Every 60 frames waited is a second.

The artwork is another thing i'm going to bring up, but not go too far into because I know Eraanthe is the only artist on the team and it can be hard. Eraanthe, you've done a great job so far. the art on your twitter is amazing (Even though I don't share a lot of kinks that some of them have xD) I just hope that, maybe when the game is all completed up that you'll go back and redrawn some of the scenes in the prologue, because, i'm not gonna lie to you Chief, that penis in the scene with April makes me double over in pain. It looks like someone grabbed the skin before the tip and just crushed it with their bare hands like soda can, you know what I mean? Please don't be discouraged by that, it was mostly a joke. you're art has improved so much <3.

The battles at the start of the game, specifically the one in the blacksmith is unbalanced. Especially since new players will have no clue what to do at first. Even players with RPG Maker game experience will be a tad confused at the difficulty. Guarding in most other RPG Maker games doesn't restore HP or MP. It only usually increases the characters defense for that turn. This means that most experienced players don't used the skill and in turn will most likely lead to them being more confused than curious new players. That leads me into the next topic.

 Now onto one of the most grievous offender and usually a rule of game design (My, personal 1# rule). Tutorials. You NEED to teach your player the mechanics, or at least give an option to see a tutorial/explanation. As I stated earlier, your players will wind up confused if you don't make things a little obvious, especially the players who've never played RPG Maker before and are trying it out for the first time with your game. Not telling the player to go East or West leaves it up to the player to decide which direction to go. This can sometimes make players lost and unsure of where to go. Be specific and detailed with your instructions, not so much that it slows down the pacing, but enough that new players will know where to go. 

One final gripe I have with the game, and this isn't so much that it warrants a huge amount of attention, but always expect the unexpected. What I mean by this is that you need to take measures to make sure that players cannot leave the intended area you're supposed to be in/going to (Such as, the first you enter the village for the first time, you shouldn't be able to go back to the house or leave the village to the southeast until you've talked with the blacksmith). You can do this by utilizing multiple pages for each script and switches.

I'm sorry if I sounded like I was treating you two like you don't know how to do anything on the engine. You two probably know the engine better than I do, cause you've probably been working on it for a longer time, but I put in a few pointer just in case you weren't aware. Overall, now that I know the mechanics a little better, i'm very much willing to give the game more play time so that I can give you better and more feedback about it. God, this post is fucking massive, but it's still not longer than Yoshiko is! xD

(1 edit) (+2)

Oh! Ty so much for the feedback, sorry I've been slaving away at comms and the game and hadn't gotten around to checking

I'm certainly planning on going back and updating the april scene, it's the very first that was done afterall hehe.

As for the goblin tutorial- it's not supposed to be that difficult but after we updated the way levels work in the game, it toughened them up. Upon my playtesting I was able to take them out though without needing to heal- I'll need to give it another look though based on what you've told me (most the people testing atm are starting from the check point for more recent content so I appreciate your prologue feedback)

Implementing a soft tutorial during that fight sounds like a great idea too!

Your welcome for the feedback.

It'd be nice to have a save point between the inn and the black smith, since the cutscene in front of your house is so long.

Either that, or have the cutscene only happen after the blacksmith goblin battle.