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A member registered Nov 20, 2019

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Latest update fixed the issue.

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I can't seem to activate it with Saphielle despite meeting all 10 requirements.
Edit: Also, I am on the latest version.

One thing I can suggest is either increasing the storage more, or getting rid of the maximum limit, at least for overall storage. Also, I prefer the old UI where I could see all my resources without having to go into a menu or submenus of that menu.

when you put a maximum limit on how many things you can have at a time, but then make the player go into multiple menus just to look at what they can get rid of, or how much they have and need more of, it gets annoying.

I downloaded the update today and made a new playthrough. I did the paper research in the laboratory, but when it finished, it completed the religion research topic. The book research still says I need to research paper, but the paper icon says religion is complete.

My guy, this was updated 6 days ago, give it some damn time.

I get that too. Unfortunately even though I follow so many devs, they don't appear in my feed unless i'm actively checking their page all the time anyway. I wish would update their website so that you have the option of choosing what specifically shows up in your feed (For example, I don't want devlogs or changelogs in my feed, but i'd like to know when the downloads for a game has changed.) and make sure it ALL does, even if you're not active.

If this is a joke, then I apologize, but if not: my guy, look at the "Development log" part of the page. There's literally been updates every week for at least the past 2 months.

To everyone who sees this, yes, the project is going to be continued. Not right now, but in the near future.

Ker (The developer) is active on his blog over at

He had a rough time over the past 3-4 years, so please give him your love and support!

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Try going outside the arena (The area with all the pillars and soldiers) and entering the fighter's entrance .

It sounds like you've already triggered the first conversation with the baron. If you've not seen it, i'm not quite sure how it's triggered.

I'm not Sierra, but, as someone who has experience in minor RPGMaker projects, I think I could reasonably say no. Unless she has already put this system in place, and for some reason, not allowed us to use it already. I don't think she has. If she were to make that change, it would take many hours for just a simple QoL feature because she'd have to go into every dialogue that mentions the MC's name and change it to a script caller, which is easily thousands of individual dialogue boxes by now.

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To add to what he's saying, for a lot of people, sharing is pretty close to ntr or cheating for a lot of people. For most people into the harem trope, they get possessive. I recommend, that if you like those scenes, then absolutely go for it. I know for myself, personally, that's how I feel about it. Not really a fan of sharing, but hey, you did say that all 18+ scenes will be optional. (which, by the way, is a nice quality of life option, but more than likely if someone plays a "harem" game, then they're in it for the sexual scenes and the story if you manage to get them hooked.)

P.S, if you're just looking to make threesome scenes regardless of the sexes involved, then the MC and two girls or even three girls while the MC watches or something similar would be the safest route rather than involving another male.

The game is fantastic and full of potential, but there are a few things i've noticed after playing the full demo, sidequests and all, :

If you happen to get defeated in the warehouse before you reach the cat, you cannot reenter the building nor talk the the guy outside to get back in.

The fishing job makes it a little too easy to get gear early on, if you grind it. I would suggest putting a limit on how much money you can make off of the job before the old man says that he has enough fish. (Maybe have it so the player is able to get enough for a few potions and *maybe* the Iron Sword)

Speaking of the Iron Sword, the description says "Slightly better than a basic sword", but I don't see an increase in an stats when the MC equips it. Does it do more damage or is it to be changed in the future?

When you first enter the graveyard and talk to Sasha about the potential existence of magic, you can repeat the text if you step down or up 1 tile (depending on which you stepped on first)

This one doesn't matter *too* much, but the first time you go through the maze of vines, it's a little confusing, almost like you were meant to fail the first time, especially because you have find the garden shears first *then* go to the bottom right. If I didn't happen to stumble upon the shears the first time, I probably would have failed twice. Speaking of which, if you get the shears, then fail to get to the end, you keep the shears for the next try.

I believe that's all the issues i've run into for this build. It's really looking to be pretty fantastic. I can wait to see what you have in store the next build!

It's looking to be pretty badass, dude. I'm sure it'll be worth the wait!

You should absolutely put a link to your Patreon in the More Information box

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As Big Spence pointed out. You gotta tough it out in order for it to make sense. It all makes sense by the end of the current update.
I'll explain the two major plots that you are confused about in a SPOILER AHEAD, so if you want, go ahead and read, but it's better to experience it, I personally think.
Don't click read more if you don't want to be spoiled.
P.S If you don't like VN games like this, then be prepared whenever you see Ren'Py games because most of them center around story. You're better off looking for RPGMaker games. To me, the story is exactly what makes it more distinctive/original compared to other dating sim/harem collector-type games.

The reason the town doesn't like heroes is because the last one that they had abandoned them in their time of need and was a complete asshat (coughLikeLeoncough)

And the reason why all the characters seem selfish for wanting the MC to not leave the town is because it IS selfish. They're human beings. PLUS on top of that, Rebecca pointed out that official Heroes were meant to marry the Lady of the town. To them, they just got a promising new hero, but he's now abandoning them. It's not just to check on your family, you're going back to them. Possibly never to see the town again.

Amazing game so far. Only thing I would criticize is the lack of background music (BGM). BGM is an absolute must have for games, especially dialogue heavy games where you're not doing much but reading and clicking.  Perhaps you're just waiting on some commissioned music to be finished, but I highly recommend getting some royalty free BGM. Even just one that loops would be good, but the silence is absolutely distracting.

I can't wait to see what you have! Game development is hard work no matter what you do. Some people think it's easy, but those people have never worked a game engine in their life. Even AAA companies need months to make just half a game.  Also remember that a lot of feedback could be bias. For example, I mentioned random encounters being a pain because I always want more continuous non-stop story. That's just my wants. lol. but I am glad to hear that you're listening to feedback continuing development of the game. I still feel like I should apologize because I didn't give the game much of a chance as I should have due to first impressions. The April scene and the first goblin fight left me near apathetic to continue, BUT I'm really glad I checked around your website and other medias. I learned so many things that made the fights easier. In fact, just simply learning that Guarding restores both HP and MP on top of reducing damage single handedly made the difference. I'm not sure how long ago you drew the April scene, Eraanthe, but it must have been a while because your art is very high quality from what i've seen recently. All of you on The Skyward Foundry Dev team are doing god's work out there. Keep it up.

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Apparently there are save crystals in the goblin dungeon as you enter or something like that. I haven't continued playing through the game so I wouldn't know, so keep your eyes peeled for other objects that might be able to save. Probably save crystals specifically? I'll let you know if i find out. 

Edit: One's in the library, north of the reception.

Okay, out of curiosity I went and visited their website. The website has a different version of the game. An older one, I think. The website also contained Eraanthe's twitter and the most recent tweet was linking to this page. If you're reading this,  Areving or Eraanthe,  i'm sorry. I read my comments back and they came off as biased and a little bit harsh. I didn't know much about the developer or their experience with game design or artwork. I was taking the game at face value for what I thought of it. Let me go through my feedback once again, especially now that I have so much more knowledge about the game by seeing others' comments and feedback. Disclaimer: I, as of making this comment have not played past the second goblin fight. So keep that in mind while reading this. And also, a lot of this feedback is probably going to be repetitive to you, but it's because I genuinely think that it's important enough.

I love the presentation of the game, it looks clean sleek and overall really professional especially for an erotic indie game.

The game looks great on the outward presentation, but the inside is a little messy still. I understand that you're focusing on Act 1 of the game, but this prologue definitely need some fine tuning.

The cutscenes are plentiful, but long (In almost every single cutscene there is a drawn out pause while either Yoshiko thinks for a couple of seconds or someone leaves the scene. This most likely due to you using the "Wait for completion" on all of the Move Routes. That makes it so that the cutscene will not continue until the Move Route is done. Combine this with the slow movement speed of the characters in the majority of the scenes and it's a long wait. As for Yoshiko's thinking. I understand the need for a pause, but it happens very often. I love yoshiko's personality as a happy-go-lucky, air headed adventurer, but these scenes where she pauses to think for a couple of seconds are excessive. If you're using the "Wait..." command under the "timing" category then you need to decrease the amount of frames that it waits before continuing. Remember that the game runs (Or at least it's intended to) in 60 Frames Per Second. Every 60 frames waited is a second.

The artwork is another thing i'm going to bring up, but not go too far into because I know Eraanthe is the only artist on the team and it can be hard. Eraanthe, you've done a great job so far. the art on your twitter is amazing (Even though I don't share a lot of kinks that some of them have xD) I just hope that, maybe when the game is all completed up that you'll go back and redrawn some of the scenes in the prologue, because, i'm not gonna lie to you Chief, that penis in the scene with April makes me double over in pain. It looks like someone grabbed the skin before the tip and just crushed it with their bare hands like soda can, you know what I mean? Please don't be discouraged by that, it was mostly a joke. you're art has improved so much <3.

The battles at the start of the game, specifically the one in the blacksmith is unbalanced. Especially since new players will have no clue what to do at first. Even players with RPG Maker game experience will be a tad confused at the difficulty. Guarding in most other RPG Maker games doesn't restore HP or MP. It only usually increases the characters defense for that turn. This means that most experienced players don't used the skill and in turn will most likely lead to them being more confused than curious new players. That leads me into the next topic.

 Now onto one of the most grievous offender and usually a rule of game design (My, personal 1# rule). Tutorials. You NEED to teach your player the mechanics, or at least give an option to see a tutorial/explanation. As I stated earlier, your players will wind up confused if you don't make things a little obvious, especially the players who've never played RPG Maker before and are trying it out for the first time with your game. Not telling the player to go East or West leaves it up to the player to decide which direction to go. This can sometimes make players lost and unsure of where to go. Be specific and detailed with your instructions, not so much that it slows down the pacing, but enough that new players will know where to go. 

One final gripe I have with the game, and this isn't so much that it warrants a huge amount of attention, but always expect the unexpected. What I mean by this is that you need to take measures to make sure that players cannot leave the intended area you're supposed to be in/going to (Such as, the first you enter the village for the first time, you shouldn't be able to go back to the house or leave the village to the southeast until you've talked with the blacksmith). You can do this by utilizing multiple pages for each script and switches.

I'm sorry if I sounded like I was treating you two like you don't know how to do anything on the engine. You two probably know the engine better than I do, cause you've probably been working on it for a longer time, but I put in a few pointer just in case you weren't aware. Overall, now that I know the mechanics a little better, i'm very much willing to give the game more play time so that I can give you better and more feedback about it. God, this post is fucking massive, but it's still not longer than Yoshiko is! xD

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I wouldn't know about having only one save place. After going into the forest west of the house, I completed the goblin battle, then encountered a random battle and realized that there was no healing after battles. The combination of random encounters and no healing after battle was the cut-off for me. If you get low during the goblin fight, you might be taken out by a wild cockatrice. And you couldn't even avoid fighting the cockatrice because the battle was randomly encountered. The Sorceress can heal, but she has limited MP and that doesn't come back either. As for being lost, I didn't find it too hard to follow the path. The inn was in the northeastern part of town and the farm was just outside the town. You leave the town on the southeastern path, just south of the inn.

My main issue wasn't the save points, but the fact that the battles are absolutely ruthless and random. On a semi-related note, it may be an opinion, but random encounters are the absolute worst kind of battle encounter, ever. Sure it may be more work to put in events that chase the player to encounter on touch, but it makes it so the player can choose to avoid these battles. The way to discourage people from avoiding all the fights is to make your bosses and required fights harder, so the player has to level up in order to be strong enough to defeat the required fight. 

Overall, the developers seem professional, but inexperienced. I think as time goes on, they will improve. I was excited to see a game with some decent artwork , but the cutscene with Ann in the Inn made me shiver (I don't mean any offense by it. I looked around a saw a comment they made which hints at them also being inexperienced at artwork. Maybe they'll actually see this feedback and at least consider it.

The levels of the goblins are, at least in my case.  Also,  if you don't want to have to do the entire introduction again, you can actually go back to the house. It'll trigger a cutscene, but it won't matter. Go upstairs and save at the book and then go back to the blacksmith to *hopefully* get a fair fight.

Basically, the only way i've defeated them is to get lucky enough to get 2 level 2 goblins, used a potion and milk during it. They really should make the battle a fixed one where the goblins are either a level 1 and a level 2 or just both level 1. As it stands, every time I got a level 3 goblin i've died. Pretty brutal, but I think this could be unintentional. I'm surprised none of the playtesters had a problem like this, if any.