Using your own teeth as ammunition is such a gnarly concept - I love it! The game has some attractive art and Wolfenstien esque vibes which was quite a throwback. I especially like the design of the red demon - they are big, colourful, have a beautifully crafted sprite and stand out from the environment well.
However, I did have some issues such as: enemies being placed too tighty around corners (which made for some unfair situaitons where I would get hit without any time to react), and I think the concept of using your health as ammo is a little underbaked as it feels like fighting enemies sometimes just puts you at more of a disadvantage than its worth. You're meant to pick your battles, I know, but the most fun thing to do is to shoot enemies, so when you can't do that the gameplay devolves into sprinting past everything and trying to get the levels over with as fast as possible. Pressing E didn't bring up the club for me so I couldn't fight that way either. Unless you get the club later?
Anyway, this is a very cool entry to this jam. It was fun to check out and I hope you're all proud of what you've made!