I don't know who you are. Really. All I know is somehow sometime in the past you touched me in some way. (no gutter thoughts) just some sort of connection to someone far away who maybe had an unwritten piece of artwork who needed help. I never lost faith in YOU. I hope I have helped. Take care bud. Even if you don't finish it. I wanted to help. I really want to see this project completed. Not so much for my own amusement now I release my pressure upon you if there was any you felt at all. It got deeper than that. I can't explain it. If things go well, I will donate again. Maybe just maybe you can finish this and have a wonderful sale.
I have donated. I contacted AD-HOC. They never responded. I advise you all who read this to do the same. No bull Shinola. I am not related, affiliated, or being paid by this developer. I just... for some reason. Care. He may have saved my life. I have analyzed this for years. There is no other independent developer I care about more. Please people. Don't let this go unfinished.