Translation has been completed.
The other sentences are Japanese translations of existing sentences and how to translate them into Japanese.
The text in gallery unlock is also in Japanese.
Nice! Will get to work playing through it: I'm excited to see how it came out. Oh, and good catch remembering the text for the gallery. I wasn't sure what you meant at first, but then I remembered I had some brief message boxes and choices for selecting variants of the scenes. Sorry I forgot that in my list of new stuff!
Whew, finally finished playing through and checking the translation. Here are the notes and corrections I was able to find. This may seem like a lot, but GT is a big game, and most of them are fairly minor. I'm actually impressed at how few mistakes there were, and how thorough you were in finding everything. Well done!
-On some of these I'll say "gallery version". Some scenes, as you know, have slightly different versions, located in different places, depending on whether they're triggered in game or from the gallery. Don't let me confuse you though: I'm just saying "gallery version" here to specify I encountered the mistake while triggering the scene from the gallery, in case you need to look in that special version of them. But some of these scenes may not actually have a "gallery version".
-Just want to say, I enjoy what you do with the fonts, sizing and hearts and all. I'm usually too lazy to bother with fancy formatting, but it does add a lot, so I appreciate it.
-"Usa-chan" is really cute. I think it does a good job capturing the cutesy, pet-name kind of feel "Bunny" has in English when the thugs use it on Mezz.
-You can now official remove "Unofficial" from the patch title. I have that as an initial requirement for translations, as I don't want people to encounter a fan translation, think it's official, and them blame me if it has mistakes or bugs. But you've spent a lot of time and effort working with me to make this patch good, so as of now it is the OFFICIAL GT Japanese translation patch.
-The last three lines of the "lose to Mahir" scene (gallery #2) gallery version, aren't translated, starting with "soft wet sounds echoed..."
-Mezz center path alley fuck (gallery #5), Hyena, first option, gallery version: At the very end, you messed up Mezz's name tag formatting, so it's spilling into the dialog box ("「メズ>んん……」"). Shows up in-game too, so it's probably just one scene shared between gallery and game.
-On the same gallery #5, hyena, first option, when run from gallery: after the main scene, there's a moment with Mezz talking. Only Mezz's sprite should be visible here, not the hyena's, as he's left. Again, some scenes have different versions for the gallery, and some are the same, but use some programming at the end to detect whether they're being run from the gallery or in-game. So either you overwrote that code by accident, or swapped the scenes somehow.
-When run from the gallery, the "Lose to Khazeem" scene with the vials (Gallery #9) triggers the credits after, instead of returning directly to the gallery like it should. Same issue as above, wrong scene or broke code.
-When encountering the boulders in the barrens without dynamite, Mezz says "Crap, these boulders are blocking the way. I don't think my staff is gonna cut it." You've translated this as "くそっ、岩が道をふさいでいる。オレの相棒じゃどうにもならないぞ。" As far as I can tell, 相棒 is "partner" , "pal" etc., which is incorrect. "Staff" here means a wooden rod; it's referring to his weapon (Ie, he can't break through the boulders with his staff). Feel free to correct me if this is slang I'm not aware of.
-When Mezz finds the dynamite in the barrens, he says: "I'll just carry this around with me for now. I'm sure it'll be fine." You've translated this as 「とりあえず持っていこうか。」 「きっと上手く使えるはずさ。」. Which is technically fine, but it misses the joke. The implication is that dynamite, especially OLD dynamite is extremely volatile, and Mezz is blowing off/dismissing this danger with "I'm sure it will be fine." "Fine" doesn't refer to his confidence in its effectiveness, but his dismissal of danger. This is paid off with the boulders, where Mezz loses his grip and nearly blows himself up instead of the stones. Again, if that implication actually IS in the Japanese and I'm just not aware, let me know.
-In the strip club, the hyena bouncer that wanders hasn't had his normal lines translated (they're the same as the one standing up near the bar, who has been translated, "Enjoy the show..").
-When doing the mini-quest where Mezz has to advertise himself to everyone in the strip club, the text for the hyena at the end of the dancer stage has a "<" still in it. "<ハイエナは不穏な笑みを浮かべながら...".
-In the alleys, when being caught in the stealth mode version, on the second catch where the hyena has him up against the wall "yes sir" still isn't translated.
-In the same sequence, the final capture scene in the stealth mode alley section, the first line isn't translated:
"「Hyena Thug」
「Well, I think we've played this game long enough. Time to end our little "catch and release."」"
I can see why you missed it though: it's off on its own event, EV403 on the Ent Dist 1 (SlutMode Ver) map (#065).
-While testing the translation, I found a fairly major bug of my own. I've been ignoring minor new bugs for this since I don't want to create even more work for you, but this one had to be fixed: In the stealth mode alleys after doing the Glory Hole/Strip Club job, Mezz has an "addiction" that forces him to return to the Club after a timer runs out.
a. I found I needed to increase that timer, but more importantly
b. I found it was still running DURING the capture scenes in the alley, which it shouldn't.
This is fixed, but I did have to edit 4 events to do it, and unfortunately the translation overwrites these as before. I humbly request one more copy-paste on these, they're fairly short. I've attached the data folder from this new patched version for you to edit/pull from as needed here. The changed events: common event 127, 128, 129, and map event 326 on map 65. Unlike the issue we had before this isn't totally progression-stopping though, so I'm able to continue testing the rest of the game. My hope is that you won't have to do a full copy-paste of EVERYTHING like before, just make of backup of what you have, overwrite what you have for these 4 events with the new version, and then copy the Japanese back in. None of the dialog text has changed in any way, just the programming code around it.
-In the host club, one of the wandering thugs near the top by the gambling machines hasn't had his line or name translated "Wandering Thug: "Outa the way!'"
-The text when interacting with the microphone/singing kitsune in the host club hasn't been translated. "The vulpine sways seductively..." Event 33, map 57.
-In Satin's quest (getting the handmirror for the fox in the basement party), we should add a note in () before he asks who has the mirror explaining that the answer has to be one word, and in English, to avoid confusion.
-"Hard Times", the new multi-hit attack Mezz learns in GT, is supposed to only be possible when you have Dazzle Blast, item #23, in your inventory. Using it consumes one each time. This is made possible via a plugin that reads an entry on the note area for the attack: "<Item Cost: 1 Dazzle Blast>". However, note that this is indicating the item via a NAME, not an item number. A name that has changed now that it's been translated. This is probably why this is broken by your translation: "Hard Times" can currently be used infinitely. You had no way of knowing this of course. If this can't be fixed, it's not the end of the world, but try changing "Dazzle Blast" in "<Item Cost: 1 Dazzle Blast>" to the new Japanese item name and see if that fixes it.
-When the hyena in the Host Club is taking Mezz around the host club gathering thugs to fuck him, one of
Mezz's lines isn't translated: "Whwhanna ffFuck me?" Wandering Thug: "Ha! Sounds good to me.". I believe this is on the hyena event he's interacting with, probably the same hyena event as above, just a different page.