(Comment made as of version 0.1.1) Finally got to night 13! This game is so fun! I keep going back to it--which feels rare for a game jam game, so I think y'all have really put together something great! There's a ton of strategic depth to this game, and even after multiple plays I'm still adapting to get to later rounds. I also love the visuals and music, it all fits together really nicely to make a great vibe.
Here's some other feedback for your continued work on the game (please update this game more, it's great!):
- The screen shake at the last call isn't too bad at first, but if you get to later rounds where you are in the "last call" for a long time it gets annoying to look at. I went into settings to see if I could turn it off after I started to dislike it. If it didn't last for the entirety of the "last call" I think I wouldn't try to turn it off though.
- I'm not sure if this is just because I'm still learning and haven't found the use for the other ingredients, but I've mostly landed on just getting the ingredients that apply to all customer types. Maybe this is holding me back, but every time I consider it, it just feels like applying to all types is a better deal. The brains ones never really feel worth it because the zombies don't really pay much of a tip anyway. And then in most of the other cases, for the difference in dollars it's only slightly more impactful for the vampires and/or werewolves, so it feels like just ensuring it always applies to all customers feels more right to me. Don't get me wrong--this isn't necessarily a bad thing (it's excellent for strategy games to have a discoverable metagame, and it can even lead to fun challenges where you only use certain kinds of ingredients that aren't as good if you want). Like, it can be very fun to have ingredients that are just better than other ones because figuring that out is fun. I'm just not sure if that's what you're going for, so I figured I'd mention it.
- The first time I played, I got a bit confused when I placed different kinds of drinks. I thought maybe some kind of system of matching drinks to monster types was going to go on. Didn't realize that doesn't matter until after I continued playing. The different kinds of drinks work well visually, just was initially a bit confused as the player is all.
Overall, excellent job! Thanks for making this, I keep coming back to this game :)