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Yeah I'd like to dive more into Godot's mouse actions. One thing I found kind of mid jam was my clicks were actually per frame detection and a bit odd with how I was detecting it, when I assumed they were single clicks!

It caused some quadruple frame weird behaviors in UI menus and those are now mostly atomic, but I never got to rewrite the movement since it was "good enough for a jam" lol, admittedly is harder to use on Mobile too for things like item placement.

Yeah! I wanted a larger, clickable collider, I went in the direction of "you can click to transition when player is in the area of transition, hence the indicator" and it feels inconsistent. I'd like to rewrite movement to be a bit more "destination" aware every frame and give you feedback on what will happen like are you moving or moving scenes with cursor data.

Glad you liked it! Thanks for your feedback!