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Cute and interesting. I like the mechanics, however the controls are a bit rough around the edges, which becomes a problem when you require some precise movements to get around the swarm of cats jumping towards you lol.

Yeah, they are a bit annoying. I had spent so much time tweaking them but the movement physics operates on a frame-by-frame basis, so when I exported I had to take a guess at how much delay itch was adding and just increase the fps in the code lol. Thank you for playing!

It worked surprisingly well.
But you should try to tie movement to time to avoid framerate changes affecting the physics.
One way to do this
position.x = position.x + (velocity.x * time_since_last_frame)
position.y = position.y + (velocity.y * time_since_last_frame)
So if you have 30 frames per second, each frame moves you 1/30th as far
at 60 fps each frame moves you 1/60th as far.

this makes velocity.x a value in pixels per second, easy to visualize speeds even before testing them.

godot has a built in delta value, although there will be a way to do this in any system. I once coded an unreleased game project using java and got the time since last frame manually via time stamp and subtracted the previous timestamp to get the frame time.(which might glitch at midnight but hay :P)