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Damn, even the retards from AJ server doesn't cry as much as you do. You can't insult me, i don't know you, i don't care about you. I disgust you, yet you are still here following me and commenting on my stuff... 

I don't think that americans should pay homage or whatever else. I don't force anyone to buy my mods. If you think i will sit here and give you stuff for free, well then you are wrong. And matter of fact is that i gave more than enough to this community. I have 50+ completely free mods. I spent countless of hours making them, then updating them to make them even better. What did you do? Ah yes... NOTHING.

For your last sentence... i don't think i will even comment on that, i mean, how low in life you need to be to basically wish and tell how i will get shot and die... To be fair with you, there is a bigger chance for you to get shot than me. I don't live in a butthurt society where people shoot each other for no reason..

How pathetic and disgusting you need to be to tell someone they will get "dragged in the middle of their town and their brain will be blown".... And thats just because you don't get a mod you wanted.... Yikes... I feel sorry for you... Your life must be very miserable if not getting a mod for a game makes you feel that way.... 

You showed that you aren't worth my time, so this will be my last reply. Say whatever you want, people that have more than 2 braincells will see who is right and who is wrong here.

Again, if you want a mod, just spent the time, learn to mod and make it yourself. Demanding stuff from modders, then crying and being mad af when you don't get them is just down right pathetic...

You know what's funny is all I seen through that? It's just some foreign nut job sitting there. Talking, it's pretty much what it is Nowadays foreign people talking c*** I'm yeah, you, you put in there that you have put out 50 mods for free. You know it's it's funny. I followed you for a while since 22 started. And I only see you bringing out the c***** mods for free, like all your good mods. Or way, too much? You know, it's almost like you live for this game because you realize that you're not good enough to mod for g. TA5, you know, so you mod. For farming simulator because you know that you can get away with selling c*** mods to someone on a farming game, you're nothing more than a pathetic piece of c*** Go somewhere move on from this game. The modern community really doesn't need you. There's plenty of other matters that do way better work than your dumb butt does

and are you good enough to mod for GTA? no. no you are not. so leave him alone. i dont even know crown, but you know what hes probally a W guy, so im backing him.

I don't even know why he mentioned GTA. I don't play GTA, so i don't mod for it. But i didn't feel the need to explain it to him, since i saw that he is completely braindead.

Yep. That kid is completely stupid. In fact, he has been saying trash about you on most mods on itch. I will always back you crown :)

Thanks! Yeah, i saw that he is making only negative comments while he hasn't done anything for this community. I just don't care, thats why i stopped replying to him. I reply once, if i see that you are dumb af and can't have an adult conversation i will just stop replying and will ignore you.

honestly, that’s a good way in life. Stay strong, crown :)