Hmmmmm. Visuals were great, which is why i downloaded. However, played it multiple times, and couldnt figure out what to do. Pressed Y on just about everything, with nothing happening. and on the second play through, the WASD player controls no longer work, but was still able to crouch.
Looked cool, but my buddy and I couldn't figure it out.
Thanks for taking the time to play!!
You can press or hold the action button (Y/PgUp) to perform certain tasks. Pickup/drop the fire extinguisher when fires break out, hold to turn the valve for it to release the build-up pressure and hold to fix the hydroponics tanks that break. You won't hear feedback sound when fixing the tanks :( .
As for the big red buttons, they are for maneuvering the drill, distributing power between the radar or the drill's rpm, and shooting the laser.
The fact that we wanted to portray an old school feeling of a game and not having much time to polish it, led to a confusing one. At the end of the day, YOU ARE A CALAMARI led by en evil overlord that didn't pay to much attention when building the vessel :D
The bug after playing again when losing or winning is an unfortunate one...