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I'm sorry, is your game page color pallete broken? I literally cannot read anything on it.
About the game:
The style is nice and simple

  • Idea is interesting, and goes well with the scale, but only from challenge perspective, not from character progression;
  • I don't really like how the fist controller by, it's clunky and not intuitive. Try the mouse control. 
(1 edit)

Oops, thanks for the hint. We got so used to dark reader; the site looked perfectly fine with it on :). Fixed that.

Character progression is something i could definitely see with this game, it's just not what we felt like was right for a jam. I will respectfully disagree with the fist controls, i love it :D (But i did have some alternative controls in mind, that didn't make it into the game)

Thanks for taking the time to comment.