Real awesome game! Your level designs were super fun and made great use of the mechanics, and that ending was crazy! Really played like the sort of game you’d see in Top 100, and I hope it gets there!
Also, here are some bugs I found during my playthrough, if it’s of any help:
- Boxes sometimes got stuck to the side of walls.
- On Level 16, some weird bug seemed to be killing me, and eventually somehow must’ve made me collide with the flag despite not having done the level properly. (Alas, for you said this was your favourite…) My endgame stats said I hadn’t skipped any levels, so this wasn’t my accidentally clicking skip.
- On Level 17 the box I’d pushed onto the blue switch at one point seemed to suddenly disappear, causing the blue gate to crash down on me. (I’d not completed the level quick enough to make it through the white gate anyway…)
- “R” to play again didn’t seem to work.