I had fun playing the game, the puzzles are entertaining but puzzle 8 feels different/harder than the other ones, not in a bad way, I also had fun thinking in ways to solve it, I have an idea about how to clear it, but I don’t know how to start or connect the start with the ending ideas haha.
I couldn’t finish it but maybe later I will come back to try again with more time.
The visuals are ok but in general, everything fits together. I like how the music changes in the menu and in the puzzle, I always like that kind of arrangement. And I like I have to just click to play the game.
It’s a bit creative to scale the pieces this way, usually one would move the pieces to move the boxes but now they stay still and scaling those feels new, so it’s great to see this idea.
I don’t have much to say, outside I broke the box in the level 8, I don’t know how to recreate it but I broke it with the blue piece in the left wall while the green piece was outside the level and I was over move 100, didn’t happen again but was funny to see.
Good game! :)