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can I ask what you mean there?

1.) Monsterform? Wazat? I though there were only Slime, Beast, and Dragon? Is it new or secret?

2. What's not intended to revert your form and leave you in a locked state? The teleportation? It does say, in the recent bug fixes, that you worked on that in the last two?

3.) (last one, I promise), are you saying that it should fix itself if you get inside the dragon fortress and surrender rather than doing it elsewhere on the Island?


Slimeform, beastform and dragonform are monsterforms.

Entering certain areas will revert your form, this is a leftover artefact of when the game was less open.

The issue would probably fix itself since getting thrown into the dungeon should set you to dragonform if you have it.

thank you. I can't believe I didn't think of them as "monsterforms" until now, oh my god

okay, i'll check it out later