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A member registered Nov 15, 2022 · View creator page →

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The game is still in development so you can't purchase it yet.

Are other games like this available in China and Russia?

Yes there is a very silly animation cancel bug in this version.

You'll have to use Dash to make some longer distance jumps.

Good catch, thank you!

I've discovered an issue with attacking outside of battle when no weapon is equipped. This error will affect all subsequent attacks until the game is restarted. For now it is best to avoid unequipping the protagonist's sword.
Thanks again.

There's no need to argue about it. It really doesn't matter, let it go.

There's a bug in this version when the faerie prince and possibly other encounters die from a "damage over time" effect that can cause a soft lock or for the scene to repeat itself. The workaround is to deal the finishing blow with a direct attack.

I'll have to look into the slime issue, thanks for the bug report.

I think I've identified and fixed the bug, for now try killing him with an attack instead of letting him be finished off by any DoTs.

I'm trying to find this bug. Do you remember how he died, maybe for example at the start of his turn from poison or other damage over time effects?

Make sure you are on the latest version. If your party members are missing it might help to surrender to the Hoplites to get thrown back in the dungeon.

Slimeform, beastform and dragonform are monsterforms.

Entering certain areas will revert your form, this is a leftover artefact of when the game was less open.

The issue would probably fix itself since getting thrown into the dungeon should set you to dragonform if you have it.

(1 edit)

The monsterform will be unlocked when you get to the end of the dungeon. I think it would also transform you back into dragonform if you surrender inside the fortress.

It's not intended to revert your form and leave you in a locked state.

The start menu not coming back is a bug added with, it will be fixed in the next version.

When you use an item, you enter a use item context and need to hit the cancel key/button to go back to inventory.

In combat, again use the cancel key/button.

In the store you can cycle characters with the bumpers on the controller or page up/page down.

I know these aren't intuitive right now, especially if you are using mouse and keyboard, but the function is there.

Thanks for the feedback.

It's unlocked through gameplay. The game is about transformation although it is still in development so not all forms are fully supported in all animations yet.

That's all there is for now.

Streaming is fine.

Yeah, you can walk back to the goblin encampment, some of the transitions aren't marked currently but they are there.

The saves are stored in appdata so if they are still there on your computer then yes.

Not planned but I'll keep it in mind if the opportunity arises.

The three main characters are heavily intertwined in the story so it won't be possible to leave them behind. 

The upcoming version will have health bars and allows you to attack enemies to engage combat.

E for item quick menu outside battle. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Some people don't like furry stuff so I'm trying to strike a balance here. The jerky was meant to be an obscure option but there should be more wolves available if you miss out the first time. 

Thanks for the feedback, Colton's scene is not in the game yet.

Thanks for the feedback! Monsterforms are still a work in progress however beastform does have a special ability to sniff out hidden items and treasure, mostly limited to the goblin encampment at this time.

Oh that's alright then, thanks.

Unfortunately this is likely the result of a bug in this version and I don't think there's a way to unlock it again, sorry.

Do you get notified every time someone posts a comment? It's a shame I can't pin it.

Lord of the Land by Kevin Macleod.

Alright I'll see what I can do.

Chapter 3 will be in development throughout 2023 with pieces being released when they are ready for playtesting.

Yeah it will be for sale when development is finished.

Even with max level, there may still be some strategic thinking required to beat him.

Thank you for the feedback. A lot of these issues have been fixed in the latest version or are being worked on. What resolution or aspect ratio were you playing it in? There may be some resolutions that the game cannot support.

Currently the only way to support is through patreon.

In this version I believe you click on the job board near the gate and select the goblin encampment to travel to the next area.


It's possible that the back button is just off-screen depending on what aspect ratio you are playing on. I think this was fixed in the new version.

Most of the gameplay questions are answered by other players before I even have a chance to see them and they are doing a fine job at it. I'm mostly busy responding to issues on patreon and through email right now and fixing bugs in the new version. Hope you understand!