Yes, sure!
It's a file in res/data/definitions called Tech.txt
It is a text file in JSON format. First all the available bonuses are listed and you can't add or remove any of those, but you can change de name and description. Then comes the technologies. ( TECH: [...] )
Here you can add or remove techs. To add one, simply copy a clause and fill in the information. It could be tricky if you've never done anything like it, but very simple if dealt with JSON before.
After techs have been added you must visit the race file in res/data/race/Dondorian.txt and add the keys of your new techs in the TECHNOLOGIES: clause
Then you're done. Unfortunately, it is not save game compatible, so you'll need to make a new game after changing this stuff. I will change that. I will also make a much more extensive guide some day :) Good luck, don't hesitate to ask again if you need to.