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Okay, lets get a few things answered

I'm keeping to just the Main Legends for the eggs scenes, at least for now, getting good images for laying isn't easy.

I wouldn't say Lugia and Kyogre are lovers, but they can at least put their rivalry aside when the MC asks them to.

I think at some point I'm going to have Deoxys take some English lessons, she'll probably say basic things in English but revert to her code language for more complex sentences.

Kyogre and Groudon are going to take a LONG time before they can think about putting their hatred of each-other aside, even when the MC asks, they find it difficult to work together.

Jirachi was REALLY difficult to make anything with, her current short-stack design was the best I could do, I have no plan to redo her images, also I'd hardly say she's childlike, her ass is as wide as she is tall!

Side scenes like Charizard are staying as they are, there won't be any progression with them or references later on... well, not yet anyway.
I might do something with them later, but that's only a might.

Laying will always be a solo scene, but the girls might talk about it before and after, Ho-Oh and Lugia will support each-other, Groudon and Kyogre will certainly be arguing about it.

I'm going to keep going with this project as long as I can, 5th gen is the LEAST amount that I'll be happy with if I have to stop, I plan on going all the way to Gen 9 if possible.

 Ok, I understand ^^

 Oki :3 I thinked that they would be close now but I see they're still rivals hihi

Oh, that's a good idea ! So she keep her speak and will be hable to be understanded, cool ^^

 I didn't thinked they would become closer until long, but if they put they hate aside (even in a long time) that would be cool in my sens, but yeah it would be difficult for the MC to be hable to calm them ^^

I understood that the AI pics of Jirachi was difficult like she look like a human. By "underage" I was not thinking of a child, but like 17 years old or something like that. It was just a personnal feeling. And I don't ask you to redo all the ones already do, just for the futur pics, but do like you feel like it.

 Oki oki ^^ It's still great like it is ! :3

Aww, too bad it'll be only solo, but it's cool that they will talk about it between them ^^

Oooh oki ! Cool !

Thanks for replying, and have a good day ! I love your game :3