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I'm loving this demo, but I have run into a few bugs.

1) I saved my game after getting a key. When I loaded my game, I no longer had the key, and could not re-open the chest to get the key. Therefore, I cannot open the door, and it seems I've reached a dead end.

2) For some reason, after loading the game, I cannot have more than one creature at a time, regardless of points. I just ended up feeding my canvulf all the food, and watched him run around beasting things.

3) Like other people, I ran into the "tried to change controls on the keyboard while having a controller selected and getting stuck" bug.

Non-bug issues:

1) It is really difficult sometimes to feed your pets. It would be nice if the whistle could attract their attention to food you've placed. Though, getting them to sit still for a moment does make it easier to throw food at them.

2) It would be nice to go back to the inventory from the bestiary/pocket garden without needing to close and reopen.

3) Would be nice to be able to access controls/etc. in game.

4) Would be nice to be able to view/track character stats.

Aside from those bugs, I'm really enjoying this game. I missed the Kickstarter, but I'd be happy to back any post-Kickstarter gig there might be :)

The Key issue should be fixed, but unfortunately you will have to start a new game. Not sure about the bug for not being able to have more than one creature. The title screen rebind control issue should be fixed.

All of the non-bug issues will be improved in future updates.

Thanks for playing Creature Keeper! There will be an alpha period launching soonish where you can support development. I'll be sure to put out an update when that goes live.

Awesome! That's good to hear.

As far as the one creature bug: I had my wolf, which I had boosted significantly with food. I left other slots open for taming, and had several critters in reserve. I saved, quit the game, and later returned. When I realized I had no more new tameables I could access, I tried to round out my party. When I did that, the game gave me the message saying I didn't have enough creature points. I could swap out other critters for my wolf, but if I tried to add more than one critter, regardless of what it was, I just got the message saying I didn't have enough points.

It seems like some of the creature data got corrupted. The best thing I can do for now is to make sure that the data can't be corrupted in the first place