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A member registered Dec 02, 2019

Recent community posts

Awesome! That's good to hear.

As far as the one creature bug: I had my wolf, which I had boosted significantly with food. I left other slots open for taming, and had several critters in reserve. I saved, quit the game, and later returned. When I realized I had no more new tameables I could access, I tried to round out my party. When I did that, the game gave me the message saying I didn't have enough creature points. I could swap out other critters for my wolf, but if I tried to add more than one critter, regardless of what it was, I just got the message saying I didn't have enough points.

I'm loving this demo, but I have run into a few bugs.

1) I saved my game after getting a key. When I loaded my game, I no longer had the key, and could not re-open the chest to get the key. Therefore, I cannot open the door, and it seems I've reached a dead end.

2) For some reason, after loading the game, I cannot have more than one creature at a time, regardless of points. I just ended up feeding my canvulf all the food, and watched him run around beasting things.

3) Like other people, I ran into the "tried to change controls on the keyboard while having a controller selected and getting stuck" bug.

Non-bug issues:

1) It is really difficult sometimes to feed your pets. It would be nice if the whistle could attract their attention to food you've placed. Though, getting them to sit still for a moment does make it easier to throw food at them.

2) It would be nice to go back to the inventory from the bestiary/pocket garden without needing to close and reopen.

3) Would be nice to be able to access controls/etc. in game.

4) Would be nice to be able to view/track character stats.

Aside from those bugs, I'm really enjoying this game. I missed the Kickstarter, but I'd be happy to back any post-Kickstarter gig there might be :)