god I played this forever ago and i still think about it, it left such a weirdly lasting impact on me that I can't explain, I romanced the guide my first time through and it was such a weirdly bittersweet thing that it stuck with me, sometimes I wished for a happier ending but I think that might be why i still think about it, because it was so heckin beautiful and it left me with a hole in my girly soul, the voice acting was great and honestly i love the horror/romance vibe, i wish it was more popular, not the spooky vampire stuff but genuine horror, like this, stuff that I really should not be playing at 2 in the morning but I do anyway because i'm irresponsible. Sorry i'm rambling a bit, i've recently been looking into more VNs of this genre and Lake of voices is the standard I keep comparing them all to, my weak heart can't take it ;~: