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(1 edit)

And I will add one more thing that might be a missing piece here. We already knew what you said. Anybody in a minority group who intends to make stories more about their own experiences and those of people like them know before they even start development that some players are going to dismiss the game for being woke. That's the reality of being in the minority! But we did anyway. No matter how many “average gamers” tell us to tone it down on the “PC nonsense”, we’re simply not going to. We’re just as allowed to make games that center on us as anyone else is.

I think you're very naive with hopefully a lot to learn. This isn't a critique on how well our characters were written or how accurate they were to real people in those groups, your problem is clearly that they are what they are in the first place. You are saying "Hey, people who put in the time and effort to make this game, can you include less of yourselves in it so it stops being off-putting to people who don't want to read about you?" Can you really, truly not see why I can't take it as reasonable advice?

But congratulations on finding your first made-by-and-for-queer-and-neurodivergent-people game ever. You might be shocked to realize one day that there’s lots of games like that and it turns out there’s no such thing as a story with an "unnatural" amount of “inclusive characters”. People have made games where every character was gay and/or trans or so on and that doesn't make it "forced". The world doesn't have ten queer people who aren't allowed in the same room. Often, people who are minorities hang out with other people in that community.

Our players themselves are queer, and trans, neurodivergent, and people who are willing to empathize with those groups without getting uncomfortable when they realize the game isn't including them for the benefit of helping straight cis people feel at ease with them, it's actually so the people in those communities can have something that makes them happy.

"Was it really necessary to put every single one of these topics and groups in one short game instead of using a gentler approach and saving some of these topics as main points for future games?"

Yes, it was! Minorities aren't just talking points. They're not some theoretical concept that only exist to be side characters in fictional stories. They are alive in reality. They play games and they make their own games. The whole world doesn’t revolve "average players" who don't mind seeing minorities in a "gentle way" as long as they’re not "crammed in". Please realize that. 

I don't reply to real reviews, and if this had been somewhere other than a public comment section I wouldn't have engaged. But I'm not gonna let our players see a comment like yours and not make it clear that we're not here for you. They don't deserve to be talked about like this, so I will continue to disagree with you.

Also, check out our second game in this series. You think we included everything woke here? Not true. Our Life 2 is even wokier!

I'm not offended, but I am amused. Who do you think made this game? Not straight people, trans people, nerodivergant people, and people of color. Many of the team falling into multiple of those categories. But you're only allowed to have one or two of those or it's just going too far! It's ridiculous that people not like you made stories that were relatable to them and comment on the actual real world implications of what it's like to be a part of those communities. It's great that you're not a total "anti-woke" troll, but your critiques are still entirely silly.

I'm sorry it's not working! You don't need to use folders anymore, that was replaced with a new method. Now what you have to do is uninstall the base game, install the DLC, launch the DLC and see the pop up that the DLC has been unlocked, and uninstall the DLC. After that you either install the main game again or repeat the process for any other DLCs you own. The main game shouldn't be downloaded again until you've unlocked your DLCs.

Hello! The .rpa isn't a game build file, clicking it or trying to open it won't do anything. You have to add the rpa into the main Our Life: Beginnings & Always "game" folder to unlock Derek's content.

1. Download the zip file after purchase and extract the zip to get a folder

2. Open the folder of your current Our Life Build and find the "game" folder inside. To view folders on Mac you might have to right click the application launcher and select "view package contents" and you may have to open a couple different folders before you find the "game" folder tucked away inside

3. Move or copy/paste the rpa file into the Our Life "game" folder After that, the build you already had will now include all the extra content this DLC gives.

The demo is only a demo. It's a little preview. To play everything that's been programmed, you need to download the beta from Patreon. The demo is 1.4.0 because it's gotten a lot of improvements to the code, not because it has all the same script content as the beta testing build. I'm sorry for the confusion.

The artbook was never put up for normal sale, I'm afraid. Glad you like the game, though!

Probably not, I'm sorry!

I mean your device's settings for allowing downloads and third party apps. Sometimes phones will simply not let you download something because of their own terms or permissions. I don't know exactly what they'd be because I don't know what you're using. I'm sorry. You could try searching online for the specific device you have and tutorials for letting apps install not through the playstore.

I'm sorry it's not working. There can be a lot of reasons. It might be because of your settings, not enough space, a virus scanner not trusting the file, because there's old builds of the game on the device that are confusing the install, etc. If you can give me more details I could try and suggest something.

(1 edit)

Those website are pirating sites. They steal any game they think has or will have adult content. They just made up whatever weird tags it might have on their site. I can't stop porn sites from re-uploading our content, but OL2 is not an adult game. The only official places to download it are and Steam. If you find it somewhere else, be careful you don't get a virus.

You were confused about what the game was because you were lied to by people not associated with us. There's no need to fight anymore. If this conversation continues, I'll have to delete the thread and any other comments about it.

Do not go around insulting people.

Those website are pirating sites. They steal any game they think has or will have adult content. They just made up whatever weird tags it might have on their site. I can't stop porn sites from re-uploading our content, but OL2 is not an adult game. The only official places to download it are and Steam. If you find it somewhere else, be careful you don't get a virus.

I'm afraid not. We've gotta work on newer projects now.

They won't be, I'm sorry. I'm glad you liked them, though!

There will be something similar to that, but not exactly the same!

I'm glad you found a way!

I'm sorry, that would have to do with the device. I can only guess what might be causing it. Maybe moving the original file into the folder instead of copying/pasting it would work better. But you could try searching for the specific type of computer you have and searching if there's an explanation for not being able to copy over files.

You'll get to choose hair length and some small accessories, but not their full outfit like Cove.

I suggest that you try deleting the entire build and redownloading it directly from the site and not use the app. The Itch info isn't always the best, aha.

Thank you for the well-wishes! Unfortunately, we won't be able to get the game translated to other languages. It's just too large of a script.

I'm glad you're enjoying Our Life! To update you can use the Itch app to apply the new additions, or simply delete the old folder and download it again. Save files sometimes work in later versions, but not always. It's best to assume you'll have to start from the beginning once the full game launches. I'm sorry for that.

No problem. I'm glad it worked out :D

On Macs you might have to go through various folders to get to the right one. You can look at this screenshot, though the current DLC system uses an rpa file rather than another folder (in the screenshot it shows a step 1 dlc folder in the Our Life game folder).

Qiu's name isn't pronounced like the letter "Q". Here's a video showing how it's said!

I'm sorry for that. Have played prior versions that could have left old data on the device or is this the first time you've ever launched the game? And can you mention what the trackback says and if you're using the PC, Mac, or Android version?

There's a tutorial in the game you read that has all the details about how dynamics work! But being envious of means they wish they had things the MC does or they think the MC's life is better. Being jealous over means they are defensive over their relationship with the MC and feel uncomfortable when the MC gives a lot of positive attention to others.

Yeah, the full game will be out in late 2025. But we'll add more to the demo about six months or so from the prior update, which was in May. There's no set release date for that, though.

Because she is bigger, and she's very pretty!

I haven't chosen birthday for them yet, aha. 

Old saves may not work with the new version because there are various changes to the code, so it is best not to try using them in the updated build. I'm sorry for that.

Baxter's story can only unlock if you don't load a save that's already in Step 3. You need to play Step 3 from the very start. So either starting a new file or loading a save that's in Step 2 and then going into Step 3.

No problem!

Can you see a button on the right side of the Moment select screen for Step 3? Clicking that will show Baxter's five Moments. If the DLC is properly installed, the Moments will be playable. If not, they'll be locked. If they are locked, maybe try updating the base game with a new version and adding the DLC to that. Or make sure the rpa file is in the right folder.

I'm sorry it is struggling to run. You could try clearing more space on the device or turning off the animations on the setting page to make it easier to load!

Jealousy will never happen because of the choices you make, it's turned off by default so no one accidentally ends up with it. If you want jealousy, you'll need to click on the dynamic screen settings at the start of Step 2. You can change the dynamic manually to whatever you want for both yourself and the leads that way.

Did you choose to keep in touch with him while you were apart during Step 3? And did you do the Moments on the second page? There's a button on the right side of the Step 2 Moment select screen that lets you switch to five Derek Moments.

I'm sorry about the text size. If you want the VN version of the textbox, you can click "simple textbox" on the settings page. And the character creator can show you the names of colors if you turn on color assistance from the settings page. 

Yeah, the bonus moments are separate builds from the main game. You don't add them to your main our life folder.

I'm glad you like it! The Patreon is for bonus content, it can't be used like a storefront that sells DLC keys for other sites like Itch, GOG, or Steam. Backing there gets you sneak peeks to our upcoming game and can give you extra Our Life: Beginnings & Always Moments that aren't available anywhere besides Patreon.

Thanks for letting us know! I'm not sure why that happened either, but we'll check it out.