This is so cool. The visual direction is awesome, and any game that lets you play as a freakish thing has gotta be a good one. Although it seemed to me that both sizes only had one gimmick, it was still really neat to have to find the right syringe for the situation. Also each room had a very unique and imposing vibe, and I love the amount of work that went into it. Overall, very neat idea and good execution!
I also have a few criticisms that I hope will give this idea more of a chance to grow, if you choose to go anywhere else with it after this jam. Make of it what you will!
-Syringes: They were very important to the gameplay, but very difficult to find at times. On top of already blending into other glowing green/pink beakers in the lab areas, they were limited in quantity and could easily softlock you if misused. I recommend keeping the usage of green/pink in your visuals exclusive to the syringes so that they can be spotted in a room instead of having to check every glowing spot. Also, perhaps syringes should respawn after a period of time, or upon consumption.
-Controls: It took until my second try to fully understand that either syringe was always selected, and LMB was always consuming something instead of attacking or interacting. Some clearer feedback to the player would have been nice, and perhaps using items also be mapped to a different key. I get it was a jam though, so that's just how it is!
-The Door: This one is kind of minor. There was a single door that could only be opened with E, but I did not realize this until I accidentally walked close enough to it to get the action prompt. Because it looked identical to the other (locked) doors, I didn't expect it to be available to me. Perhaps the amber LEDs could be changed to green, to symbolize it's unlocked and interactable?
Anyway, sorry for the wall of text. Despite the critique, I really enjoyed this game, and would love to see the idea expanded upon!