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Cool! Creative idea combining the different mechanics. It was on the harder side for me all right. I never got far enough to afford the third gun. I admit I didn't pick up any sort of strategy. I just threw blocks wherever they would fit and clicked as fast as I could on the strongest alien. I like the idea about a pause between waves. That would give me a chance to think about what I was doing. Nice presentation: the graphics have a very distinctive feel. My high score was 3970.

yea, the third gun (which is basically a 3-way spread shot) used to be dead easy to buy in earlier builds, so for the latest one i just upped the price to balance it out. unfortunately i didn't have time to test if players would even be able to buy it at all, i realized it too late... ;-; ur comment about there not being any strategy is interesting, i'll think about that, and i'll def consider a pause between waves. thank u for playing!!