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A member registered Dec 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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pretty cool puzzle concept! with some polish i think it could be a cool timewaster!

cool game concept! i think it could be fleshed out well too! i did have issues with shooting and the jittering camera zooms, but the overall idea is good

thank you! mechanics could've definitely been changed up a lot....

thank you! i wish i could've changed the jumping and mechanics more :P

thank you! i could've made the controls a bit clearer and simpler... :P

thank you! i definitely agree in hindsight...

thanks! the sword was kind of a late-minute add that sounded "good" when i put it but in hindsight it's a bit out of place :P

thanks for the feedback! i probably could've simplified the gameplay :P

the art and overall presentation is great! would love to see this idea fleshed out more

i actually really like the idea of having to vet through real and scam emails before an intensely gullible guy clicks on the phishing links :P the presentation really sells the idea too! i do think it's a bit too difficult to sort through the emails since you only have a short time frame to look at the subject line, email sender, and content, and even from that it's still a bit hard to discern. with some polish i think this could be a nice little timewaster!

i really really like the art in this one! i wish there was better feedback (visual or auditory) with what's happening when i'm descaling or cutting, but it's a fun little simulation!

i really like the idea of having to manage multiple things at once in games, even when i'm not that great at it... a bit slow at the beginning, though it's a very interestingly and well executed idea nonetheless!

thanks, i've always wanted to do mspaint doodle styled art for a game :P

thanks for playing!

i've made so that the levels are randomized unlike in the arkanoid games which are level-based. i tried to make it so that each level felt equal, though of course i must've slipped up somewhere (you could try and describe it, so i could nerf that level a bit).

glad you enjoyed it though!

i think this game can have lots of potential!

the presentation is especially well-done, and i appreciate the intro cutscene and the UI design. the dice mechanic took a bit to get used to (not sure if it's just me but it doesn't seem consistent? or ), especially with the blank sides, though i do still like the idea. shooting at enemies, especially up-close, felt a bit difficult than i thought, and the enemies do easily accumulate, especially if you're locked to a side and you have to use it up on enemies that aren't the right color.

all in all though, if expanded further, i think it would be a really neat little timewaster!

thanks for playing! i was planning on integrating dice through some kind of probability function that determines your "luck" and how enemies are placed, etc. but i couldn't get that to work in time, so it got scrapped. glad you still enjoyed it though! i have not played isaac myself, so i was hoping it would still have the same experience for people who play games like that

(2 edits)

honestly the most impressive part for me about this game is that (i think) it was created in Scratch! i've been an active user of it before and have been able to create short little platformers, though none that had scrolling or full-size bitmap sprites (i used this one technique where a color palette was iterated over and tiles were painted)... considering the engine limitations, i'd say the game is done well, despite its minor issues with collisions and such.

i haven't understood the point of the "throw out" mechanic, as it never seems to do anything for me. i've just been rolling a die, equipping it, and then walking up to an enemy and shooting. from the other comments, "throw out" seems to be the same as shooting, which seems pretty cumbersome compared to just pressing "X". that, and having to sort through a menu just to roll die also felt a bit tiring.

despite that, i do think that the game has its own charms, and it could even be improved further (still using Scratch or any other program) to become a neat little platformer!

though very simple, i think it does its thing pretty well! honestly i don't really have much else to say other than i wish i can keep rolling dice and filling up the screen forever lol

though short, i do think this can be a good place for further development. the dice representing spells and having to use them to attack is a cool idea, though it took me a bit to understand what's happening (i'm not entirely sure what blank dice do or what the symbols on each die represent). nevertheless, it's an interesting concept, and it has some very nicely-done artwork to go along with it!

i think this game has a lot of potential to be a very fun top-down bullet-hell shooter!

though the dice mechanic took me a while to figure out, i think it did add an interesting layer to the gameplay. the waves did get maybe a bit too difficult around waves 4-5 (probably with how many enemies there are at that point?), and for some reason the projectiles that i shoot out don't exactly align with the mouse pointer (an issue that i might recognize as it was a problem when i also tried doing 3D top-down shooters at a skewed camera angle, something to do with how the camera detects the pointer's position IIRC).

the game is still very well done though, not to mention that the presentation is especially really charming!

thanks for playing!

i also wanted to add different kinds of shots for a player when they drink a potion, but due to time the best i could do was randomize their stats. regarding the spaces, it was a weird design choice that i made looking back on it, and i didn't think that people would want to squeeze in between those spaces, so it's my bad. i did want to make the crates damageable, but like other features i couldn't make it in time.

glad you enjoyed it though!

thanks for playing, and glad you enjoyed it!

i hadn't considered a mini-map when i was making the game, but i might consider it when i try my hand at making another game similar to this one. as for the spaces between walls and boxes, it was mostly a weird design choice i made, and i only now see why people would think to go in between them, so it's pretty much my bad really. i did want to make the crates damageable, but i wasn't able to do that due to time.

i like the idea of having to decrease the die values to kill them, as well as the punishment that comes from making their values too high or low! same goes with having to kill the dice-centipede by sorting the dice in order, though it gets a bit difficult to dodge them later on. all in all, it's a cool take on the theme!

it's nice to see a different take on the dice-rolling puzzler using machines and stuff! i will admit though it was a bit difficult for me to figure out the sequence in which the machines are activated, and having to time the rotations to attach to the dice just right kind of messed with my head. i do like the minimalistic aesthetic and how you can rotate the dice in the top corner, though. if expanded further it could be a nice puzzle game!

a nice little tycoon game! i feel that the progression is a bit too slow and that it was a bit unclear what to do, though you did mention that you didn't have time to make a tutorial, which is understandable. personally, i also think if the game was made top-down instead of 3rd-person it would be a lot easier to navigate. for a jam game though, it's neatly done!

(1 edit)

thank you for playing!

i do see how it would be hard to navigate the dungeon, especially if you had really fast move speed (which just makes you skip the doors altogether...). i hadn't considered a minimap initially, but i could implement one in the future if i make something like this again. as for dodging enemies, one missed opportunity was for me to have the player slow down when they enter a new room so that they don't dive headfirst into a wave of enemies. hopefully i would be able to implement something like that in the future.

glad you enjoyed the game though!

thank you for playing! i did want to add some sort of "luck" feature that affected the outcomes of the potions but i couldn't make it in time.

thanks for playing!

i've wanted to add some indicator on what effects the potion inflicts on you and how they affect your stats (like a "+XXX" showing up beside the stat when it gets changed), but unfortunately i couldn't get it to work right in time, so hopefully i would be able to better implement it in the future. as for the enemies, the pushing feature was intentional, though i might make it less easy to push them in the future. as for the crates, i wanted them to be damageable too, but the feature was also on the cutting room floor since i didn't have much time.

glad you enjoyed it though!

thanks for playing, and glad you enjoyed it! i used this game as a kind of practice since i've been meaning to make top-down shoot-em-ups for a long while, so hopefully i get to make something grander in scope.

thanks for playing, and glad you enjoyed it! though i haven't played a game from it myself, i modeled my game after the rogue-like (or rogue-lite? idk) genre and how they offer different experiences through each play-through, so that might be something you might want to check out if you like this idea.

thank you for playing, and i'm glad you enjoyed it! luck must've been on your side on that run...

glad you enjoyed the game, though sorry to hear about not having a mouse, since the game would be pretty hard to beat the way i see it. thank you for trying though!

thanks for playing, glad you enjoyed it!

thank you for playing! i had the idea to make the potions random pre-determined items instead of just randomizing the stats (i just fed the potions random player stats and had it decide which ones to affect and which ones to increase/decrease), but i wasn't able to implement it. glad to hear you still enjoyed it despite that mechanic, though!

(1 edit)

neat concept! i'm pretty bad at bullet hells, (well, i don't think i ever played one to begin with...) but i managed to get to 300. not sure if that's good, but i think that's good enough for me. the speed is a bit too slow for me (maybe a run function would be nice as mentioned by someone else),  and the player going back to the center after colliding with a die did feel a bit confusing for me at first, but i think the game's still pretty cool! that, and the drum breaks were a nice touch too, very tense...

this game was really cool, especially the dice-rolling mechanic and how it can affect the player's stats as well as the number and types of enemies to spawn! the spritework was really great too and added a lot to the game. with some more features and a proper level i could see this being a fun time-waster!

i really like the idea of using the faces of the dice as a health/armor meter and making the side with 1 be the weak point. sadly, my laptop doesn't handle the game too well, but i managed to snag 610 points, so that's something. good game!

interesting take on the theme, and the physics were fun to play around with. as simple as it is, it's pretty well done!

very polished game! the puzzles were cool, and the zen aesthetic and ambience helped to make solving them feel a lot better. i managed to gold awards on 13 levels! while it would be nice to see the entirety of the dice somehow to get a better view, the idea to have the side of the dice on the ground linger on that tile for a while helped to remedy this. well done

thank you for playing! a minimap wasn't something that i initially considered, but that's definitely something that i think i can implement in the future if i ever decide to flesh this game out more.

i didn't have the time to create pop-ups that showed how stats were affected, and early attempts were fruitless and didn't work the way i wanted to 'cause of the systems built on sand that i already put in place, so it's definitely something that i should work on. as for your "luck" idea, that was also a part of my initial idea for the game: having the probability of getting good/bad items be decided by a die roll or from the stuff that a player encounters before entering or during a room or a floor. due to the complexity as well as this being my first time making a dungeon-crawler-thing, i decided to cut back on it, but it's definitely something that i should consider.

i'm glad you still enjoyed it though!