Well, that was an interesting game to start my playing time on. I do think it's tuned a bit difficult though, particularly because the jump (intentionally?) doesn't feel great--I might not have finished the boss if there wasn't a convenient (presumably unintentional) piece of collision on the front of Pitmaster's face to stand on, since I could rarely get off a jump on the highest burger before it started falling (and then the jump didn't want to work right when you're falling).
It's very ambitious to essentially make two games (in two different engines to boot), even if Disc 2 is relatively simple. I do worry that the adherence to the N64 aesthetic in Disc 1 was hurting it though--I understand things like uninverting the camera and subtitles (especially for "unintended" elements) weren't commonplace, but I would have had no clue what the password was if I was coming at this from a "fresh eye" because it was so blurry, and even then I was worried about the capitalization (though hopefully you accounted for that, or even just let anything in)