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That was really cool! Very polished for the limited time and the gunplay - especially the controller itself - felt good to play. Something worth pointing out is that - for a gamejam game made over a weekend - the balancing you've managed to achieve is impressive. Didn't feel overly challenged and at the same time not too under-stimulated. Great work to everyone involved!

One thing I noticed was playing the browser version doesn't lock your mouse so I couldn't look fully back in either direction without tabbing out, moving my mouse and then tabbing back. I'm sure if I played on a desktop build that wouldn't be an issue though so I'm not counting it as an issue or anything. Same with the browser version having a "quick to desktop" button on the menu. Both are very small nitpicks in a game that otherwise have few to none. Great work overall!!

Thank you so much for the great review!
Good call on the web version, sadly I couldn't test it out much due to the deadline but I'll definitely improve it after the jam.