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Long live the shadeslugs.

Liked the puzzles, some of the card interactions changed, really think that the rule set should stay the same so I can understand it. Less lead to some frustrations at times.

Some of them I solved by moving my slug during moves which felt cheaty but fun at the same time.

Really enjoyed the puzzles and the art is nice and the feel of the game is polished.

Great job and nice entry!

Thanks! I'm not sure what you mean by the cards changing though, their effect stays the same throughout the game!


Sorry what I meant was that the cards can't always be used on the same Glorbs:

Like here I cant make the red bigger with the blue card  - but in other puzzles I could


Ah yeah I added in that "safeguard" so that you can't expand red Glorbs who are close to the ground because sometimes that caused them to glitch with the physics... Definitely not the best solution but couldn't come up with anything better in a short enough time

That makes sense!