amazing game overall! found myseslf getting addicted to it. i wish u could also throw the presents to the santas cart to optimize more time. also the sound design, music, art. everything is so clean and polished. one thing i would suggest is to add increasing difficulty as time goes on. like on the first run my third toy had 3 shapes at once which killed the run but in the second run i learnt the game more and it was my 10th toy or smth and i was still getting single and double shapes. so removing the single shapes from the shape pool once u reach a certain score might be good and introducing 2 and 3 shaped toys AFTER the player reaches a certain score can also be a good change. the collisions can also be a bit worked on and there could be a translucent curve showing the tragectory as i was just guessing my throws most of the time. these are just tiny nitpicks though, overall the game was amazing and i love every aspect of it.