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I admire deeply the care put into handling such a genuinely serious and prescient political question about the lives of trans folk. The quirky time-travel premise presents an invitation to engage with that question in a way that is softer and kinder than a more blunt discussion of trans rights in 2024 can reasonably be. Even when RIaTTN is very frank about 2024’s bleak material realities, the main cast balms it with love, understanding, and forgiveness for each other. It is this specific complement between its despair and its hope that gives RIaTTN its texture. I am grateful for the forgiveness communicated in all three post-choice paths as well — whether to leave or to fight is an intensely painful question to grapple with in the first place. RIaTTN is a game that treats its players, its subject, and its choice with love and understanding, and it warms my heart.


This is such a lovely comment, thank you so much!

My pleasure! : )