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Tears welled when I found the note : ) you got me. I love how much the choices Than makes throughout the scene paints such a picture of their and the MC’s relationship. Than’s emotional arc as a whole is so robust — the way their attitude shifts in bits and spurts is so evocative. Also, every dev should slip bonus content in their files — both the note and the dev folder are great examples of how to use the whole Ren’Py animal to tell a story outside of the game proper.

If I added everything I have recorded on my phone in the bonus files, you’d have to hear my karaoke session as I descend into madness LMAO

Than and MC’s relationship is something stern, woode, and I really liked exploring because they’re not romantically in-love at all but they’re platonically in-love. Having a close relationship like they do right until the very end is something we wanted to highlight. If we were to have MC find Than at the end, it could’ve really highlighted their relationship sure but it didn’t feel right either, so adding Than’s mom was a last minute decision.