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in the sillage lies your imageView game page

you're dying and you know it (and so does he)
Submitted by rice (@rice_373) — 24 minutes, 14 seconds before the deadline
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in the sillage lies your image's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Theme Incorporation#163.3533.353

Ranked from 17 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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Very moving. The post-password scene was a solid gut punch. Great job. 

Jam Host

Holy shit. That final recording- what a performance. That really got me. All my props.


This was so good wow. I got shivers when things started falling into place, really neatly done narrative. The voice acting was fantastic and together with the music (!!!) it made up a really nice atmosphere. Wonderful game <3


That post password scene has got to be the crowning jewel of this experience! While I'd like a little more lead up to looking in the files for the note, the inclusion of the activity itself was really fun and was like one last bittersweet interaction... 3n3


That's a great game, congrats!
Just some minor details: the music was slightly covering voices, and I was struggling to understand the temporality of the vocal message. Was it taking place before, or after the main story?

About terminal illnesses, your novel reminds Narcissu a lot! It's an old VN about chronical illness and choosing where to die when it's just not bearable at home or in the hospital. just like yours!




maaan :(
Very emotional but also very touching!!! Yes I cried 😎👉👉
Really enjoyed the writing in this and the visuals were also great! Having extra files in the game directory and encouraging players to go through them was a really fun touch too although I wish the code didn't rip my heart out when I unlocked it :))) </3 (jk I loved it)
I really liked the relationship between Than and MC, I think it's nice to see characters who love each other deeply but in a platonic sense :) something we don't have enough representation for imo!

bonus note: i love is the most relatable shit ever LMFAO


This was so lovely, and it made me tear up! I love the emotions portrayed in this, and the voice actor for Than really added to the overall emotions in the game! The little note hidden in the game files was a fun touch as well, even if the scene it unlocked was heartbreaking



What a touching story with amazing writing. Felt very personal, and the hidden message after was hitting hard. I loved discovering the note within the files, and think it's such a great way to expand a game. Also love all of the bonus content, was very fun to look through all of those. I also appreciate the goofy guy thats used for the game icon <3


Tears welled when I found the note : ) you got me. I love how much the choices Than makes throughout the scene paints such a picture of their and the MC’s relationship. Than’s emotional arc as a whole is so robust — the way their attitude shifts in bits and spurts is so evocative. Also, every dev should slip bonus content in their files — both the note and the dev folder are great examples of how to use the whole Ren’Py animal to tell a story outside of the game proper.


If I added everything I have recorded on my phone in the bonus files, you’d have to hear my karaoke session as I descend into madness LMAO

Than and MC’s relationship is something stern, woode, and I really liked exploring because they’re not romantically in-love at all but they’re platonically in-love. Having a close relationship like they do right until the very end is something we wanted to highlight. If we were to have MC find Than at the end, it could’ve really highlighted their relationship sure but it didn’t feel right either, so adding Than’s mom was a last minute decision. 



just need to lie on the floor after reading this. ough that was heavy. oh. OH please tell me i did NOT just do all that next to a freddy fazbear plush

i liked:

  • very pleasing animation and character art; music and voice acting were definite highlights. FANTASTIC reads + musical mood in the second half... my heart...
  • great GUI design and runs perfectly. able to view history and make different choices with ease. very delighted to dig through the files to find some goodies and also as a gameplay element. great touch!!!
  • grounded writing, very down to earth and taken seriously. great attention to character's inner thoughts. 100% felt like talking to a friend i know.

i disliked:

  • the themes covered in this are ultimately very sensitive, and played with a very respectable realism. with that comes a special handling of its plot and what you can "do", so i personally felt the overall gamejam theme was lost in trying to put both of these together. i viewed this is a game about death, how it's handled, and how others process it, first and foremost, rather than gamejam themes of possible displacement or short feeling of uncomfortableness (rather than a lifelong one)
  • the order of events/timeline regarding the recording confused me and friends i streamed to enough that we left our first playthrough quite sour due to this grave misinterpretation on our side, that could have been structured better narratively or hinted at in more obvious ways to not be simultaneously vague (in the first half) and then in-your-face (literally enacted in the second)

This was a tough one to do and I genuinely can't get over the amount of polish that went into what's here. Absolutely blown away by every aspect of the audio, and can't get over the charm of Than's tattoo. The story is heartbreaking and yes, I want to match tattoos. Stellar work!


OOO very good takes op >:D

I do agree that there could’ve been a bit more polishing done but we did what we could with the time we had so YIPPEE!!

I think the way the theme got lost was because we tried to handle the topics with as much delicacy as possible, though I will admit that with more time we could’ve touched base more and try to balance it out. The og concept we had was how Than was trying to push MC away ingame due to him wanting MC to live on and not converse with him since he is already a gone (like how some say that they see someone they love that’s there to take them away with them when they’re on their last legs of life typa thing)

BUT OH MAN IM SO GLAD THE FUNCTIONS WORK JUST FINE (I crunched that in one or two days) and thank you for noticing the fredbear plush LMAO

Overall, if I had the chance to do the game all over again or add more onto it, a part of me wants to cause we like to polish and plus a theme was given so we could’ve done more to the writing to portray the theme of the jam more and polish the timeline, but a part of me also doesn’t want to due to its charm and vulnerability



love love love it, can't wait to see what you all do next!!!