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Much appreciated :)

Yeah, the horror just kind of sneaked in haha. It wasn't the original plan! For once, I managed to keep it small and simple. I always overscope! Even this was super tight.

Kudos for playing!


I feel you! It is challenging to keep something simple and not overscore ^^ but glad you managed it. Also cool Profile Picture :3 <3 Grim Fantago


Hell yeah, always lovely to meet a fellow Fandango fan! One of my earliest gaming memories, and probably the one that got me into narrative-driven gaming :)

Keen to give your game a try, will probably jump in this weekend! The titles on your page look super interesting. Kind of Lynchian horror vibes, which is right up my alley! The Night is Long looks cool.

hehe thanks! Yeah you are right it kind of a lovecraftian horror game indeed :3 I also enjoy narrative-driven games quite a lot. Most of my games I try to put a little bit of story to drive them forward ^^