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A member registered Feb 22, 2017 · View creator page →

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This is sick, and pretty relaxing. Put some ambient music in there and I can see this as a super zen puzzler. Would probably translate well to mobile as well :)

This was such a beautiful experience. Well written and paced, and loved the art style. Immediately captivating. Excited to explore more of your work :)

Thank you! Your profile picture makes me feel alert haha :)

Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed it :)

Ah, this was really cool. The game has a very cool feel, quite relaxing for something that demands so much attention. Nice balance. It was rounded off nicely by the music and rain SFX/art. 

The controls were a bit complicated. Couldn't get very far, and I really tried haha. But, I kept coming back. There's definitely something alluring here. Was about to give up until I realised I could drag myself along the ground.

Could imagine this as a fun festival/party game, but, with some simpler controls, I can see myself relaxing and trying to make my way to the top. 

Great work, keen to see if this is taken further :)

This was so good, loved it. 

Just one of those unique gems that you'll probably only see in a game jam. Loved the atmosphere, well polished, the little touches of like the notifications of people joining. I can see this as a fun section of a larger narrative game or something. The jetpack was cool. Things are just getting a bit tight and crowded and it was lifesaver, which I got just at the right moment. 

Awesome work :)

This was cool. I like the idea driving it.

I think it's a bit difficult, though. Tried a few times and didn't get even close to completing my stack haha.  

I would prefer smooth movement to the block-by-block approach. I feel like the game is based on doing something speedily and the bit-by-bit movement hinders that objective. Also, a bit of music would have been nice.

That being said, I can see this becoming a cool game. Smooth the movement, lower the difficulty curve, polish the art, maybe add some form of progression to keep it interesting. I'd play that!

Nice work :)

Mission accomplished!

Thanks so much for playing, really appreciate it :)

Ah, this was a great entry! Great use of the theme. I liked that you could scale both yourself and the environment (while also being a scaley being yourself haha). Great use of the SFX / music, it fitted the vibe of the game very well. 

It took me a while to figure out that I needed to look at certain objects to scale myself. The environment also felt a bit cramped in certain spaces. But, all-in-all, there is a great idea here and could become an interesting adventure if taken further and imbued with more narrative elements. Nice work!

Ah, this was sick! Such a creative idea, and well executed. The writing, music, and gameplay all just work together so well. Such a unique idea that put a smile on my face. The writing was funny and witty, and love Reginald's nonchalant demeanour haha. Had some trouble figuring out how to get Reggie on top of the the branch. Sometimes I was able to shoot his tongue past the branch to the roof, but other times it just kept getting stuck on the branch.

Like the idea of building an environment for Reg. Could imagine this as a cute kind of pet-sim / habitat-management game with a narrative driving it along.

Great work, really enjoyed this :)

Nice entry! Sorry to hear about the file corruption and the blue screen.  Must have been discouraging, but glad you still submitted :)

The game has a really nice feel and a relaxing atmosphere. It makes a good first impression. The music, art, and tone fit together well. Would have been nice if I could swivel the camera with the mouse. But I think it's because I found the perspective a bit hard to grasp. The platforms often looked closer than they were, so I ended up landing on unexpected sports. 

Also spotted a few grammar/spelling errors. Liked the "embiggner" and "ensmaller" angle haha. Would be great if dialogue boxes were skipped by the player and not timed. Sometimes passed a bit too quickly.

Really liked the world you created here and I think something interesting could come out of this with a bit of workshopping. Great work, glad we had the opportunity to see it :)

Thank you! Yeah, def looking to add a bit more variety and want way more dynamic elements, both in terms of mechanics and art. Would be cool to see some parallax movement in the background or some lighting. Super keen to experiment further!

Kudos for playing and leaving feedback :)

Thanks for playing, glad you had fun! Just tried your team's game and really loved it! Hope you take it further. Awesome work :)

Wow, this was such a great entry! Really loved this. It reminded me a bit of The Incredible Machine, a game I used to play for hours! Love tinkering and figuring out the solutions. The quirkiness reminded me of old point-and-click adventures like Day of the Tentacle, Grim Fandango, and Monkey Island. Loved that.

The puzzles were nicely fine-tuned so that you couldn't brute force them. The tutorial was informative and liked how it slowly built up to the moment you were on your own. After that, the difficulty suddenly shot up significantly! Would do a bit more of a gradual progression.

I think the effects on the voice (the delay on the end) could do with a bit of polish. Really enjoyed the music, though. It fit the vibe of the game perfectly. Also, it felt a bit disorientating when the "Level Complete" sfx and music mixed. Would maybe lower the volume of the music while that sound is playing. 

All in all, this was amazing and liked playing it. Definitely think this is a project worth pursuing. Great work!

Thank you, appreciate it! Indeed, sounds like the difficulty needs some tweaking. Looking to implement difficulty levels, maybe based on the killer's speed. Haven't done it before so would be cool thing to get down. Definitely keen to expand on the project :)

Kudos for playing!

Thank you! This damn button is driving me mad haha. Don't get it on my end, but it def sound like a collision issue. 

Thanks for playing :)

(1 edit)

Super stoked you liked it :)

Yeah, want to implement a difficulty setting so that there is some variety for players. Quite a few people have said it's a bit hard. You'd be surprised how quickly you get used to it after a few tries, though! But maybe it should start out a bit more forgiving.

Do you mean you wish the scaling was a bit faster?

Thanks for playing!

FASTER!! Haha, thanks for playing! Maybe I should implement like a game speed slider that speeds up everything for players that want a bit more of a rush? Something to ponder on :)

Sick, glad you liked it! Yup, def some bugs I need to iron out here. I also feel the movement is a bit jerky, but other people say they don't notice it. Glad I'm not the only one lol. I think it might have to do with the weird "extra" pixel trail that appears when moving. Still have to figure that out. Regarding the scaling, I opted for scaling from the left as, when scaling from the middle, you would also scale backwards into the killer block.

Super stoked you enjoyed the atmospheric elements, though! And super keen to take this further.

Thanks so much for playing and leaving feedback, much appreciated :)

Thank you! Yeah, been having some trouble figuring the button bug out as I can't get it replicated on this end. Indeed, a mystery to be solved lol.

Thanks so much for playing!

Hell yeah, also thought it would be great for speed running. I'm thinking of doing like a story mode, and then a speed run mode that tracks your time to complete. Maybe with a leaderboard or something. Super excited to work on this project more. It's been a blast. Yeah, dig me some minimalism!

Thanks so much for playing!

Haha, yeah! Was wondering if the switch between complete silence and music was a bit abrupt! Especially since I didn't know what volume it would be on the player end. Def going to implement some ambient sounds at the start so that the player at least knows the general volume. And yes, I still have nightmares of the Red Rectangle! 

Thanks so much for playing, glad you liked it :)

Awesome, thank you! Yeah, I think I settled on that speed because when I made the player faster you got away really easy. And when I make the killer faster as well, it easily caught up when you get scale down. Def gonna tinker more to fine-tune it. If you have any suggestion, let me know!

Indeed, the killer collision is something I'm figuring out. Think I understand why. But the button bug is driving me mad haha. Tested it on different browsers and systems. Also works fine with friends. So not getting to see the bug in action. This one is gonna need a deep dive!

Really appreciate you taking the time to play and leave feedback!

Ahh thank you! So stoked that I managed to get the atmosphere down. Sometimes it's so time-consuming, but it just fell together nicely. Think it helps that I keep the mechanic very simple. Yup, need to figure this button thing out. A lot of people mentioned it but can't get the big replicated on my end.

Awesome, thanks so much for checking it out and leaving some feedback :)

Thank you so much, really appreciate it! It was the first time I managed to keep the scope manageable. And yeah, super chuffed with how the music transition turned out. Did a lot of tinkering to get the timing right :)

Indeed, the button bug is something that many people have come across that I haven't been able to replicate on my end. Driving me a bit mad lol. Just want to see it in action so I have a bit more info to work with.

Thanks so much for playing and leaving feedback!

Haha, no way! I didn't realise how hard it was until other jammers started playtesting it. Def gonna tinker with the difficulty a bit :)

Thanks for playing!

Haha, so glad you liked it! 

This damn button, so many people have encountered the same bug but can't get it replicated on my end. Fortunately, it was the second-to-last obstacle so you experienced most of it!

If you can, would be great if you could post a vid/gif that shows it happening. Would help me narrow it down.

Otherwise, really stoked that you played it!

Sick, so lovely to hear! Thanks for playing :)

Thank you! As someone who isn't an artist, I appreciate it!

Haha, have to say I'm pretty chuffed with the poster. Thanks for playing!

Ah, glad you liked it! Was really fun balancing all the elements, from mechanics to music, etc. Was so stoked when it started to come together in the end. Would really have loved to work a bit more on sound design.

Ah damn, a lot of people have been struggling with the button and having trouble figuring it out. As a consolation, I can at least say it wasn't far from the end. If you can, please drop a vid/gif of it happening so I can see if I can narrow it down, cause haven't been able to replicate it on my end.

Otherwise, really appreciate you playing!

Ahhh, I'm so glad! Wondered if I should mention it in the tutorial section, but loved the idea of the player figuring it out. So this comment really made my day :)

Thanks so much for playing!

Thanks! Was super stoked when it clicked for me while prototyping. You know sometimes you just spend forever to get a good mechanic flow, and it just doesn't happen? Brilliant when it does :)

Thanks for taking the time to play and comment!

Thank you! Damn, this gate button thing is becoming quite the mystery haha. Can't seem to replicate it, but so many people mention it. Tried various browsers and systems, as well! If you can, please drop a vid/gif of it happening. Would help me loads to narrow it down!

Otherwise, really appreciate you playing!


Yup, been getting that feedback a lot. Gonna look into implementing difficulty levels.

Thanks for playing!

Thanks! Indeed, need to tweak that difficulty a bit. Appreciate you playing :)

Yeah, was super stoked when the trade-off between speed and scale clicked! Glad you enjoyed the music. Was scared I was spending too much time on it, but really dug the atmosphere it added in the end :)

Indeed, outside the time limitations of the jam, tension is the one thing I really want to spend time on. Yeah, would have loved to add more obstacles. With the time limit, I tried to do a small variety of sections to get the concept/possibilities across. A few things I want to implement are a weight mechanic - as a you scale up and down, you become lighter/heavier to control elevator platforms. 

Yeah, wanted to implement an End Screen when you get hit by moving gates. But at least it was kiiiind of a lose condition lol. The timing of the gates also change if you touch them. Want them to keep the same momentum when you stand against them. 

Quite a few things to work on! Thanks for playing and for the in-depth feedback :)

Ahh, I was so stoked when I got that down! Thanks for playing :)

Well, really appreciate you giving it a go! And thanks for the kind words and feedback!

Indeed, going to look into button remapping so that people can adjust to their liking. Would be a cool feature to work on that I've never tried before! And then difficulty level, as well. Not sure if difficulty levels should adjust player speed or enemy speed. Will tinker and see.

Or I could just go the dude-bro route and say "git gud". But that would just be a cop out haha.

Thanks for playing!

Hell yeah! Thanks so much! Really appreciate the kind words. And yes, definitely looking to take this further. First time in a loooong while I've dared to venture into the mystical world of coding, and I've been having a blast. Really enjoying working on this prototype.

Kudos for playing!

Thanks! Yeah, the collisions have been wreaking some havoc. I know about the player/enemy one, which I had trouble figuring out before I submitted. The button one is currently a bit of a mystery, though. Haven't been able to replicate it and I've tested on a few different browsers and systems. Wondering if resolution is somehow affecting it? If you are able to capture a vid/gif of it happening, that would help loads!

Thanks for playing, and glad you found it thrilling!