Great game! The symbols can be somewhat unintuitive (I spent like 5 minutes at the first level thinking downarrows meant "they are below us, so we we should be placed higher" when in reality it's vice versa) so the clarification text was very much needed for people like me. Othen than that the game was extremly easy to pick up and play.
One minor thing I thought was very interising is the way validation of the solution works. The most straight forward way to do it would be to go through the list of tribes and check whether or not their condition is fullfilled and tell the player which tribes are not satisfied. Right now it checks if the tribe is placed on the right floor according to the set solution (I assume) and tells the player how many were placed on the right floor. This is interisting becacause the player actually gets less information about where he made a mistake, I was wondering if this was intentional.