Fair enough. You caught me. Sorry about that. I'll take more time with each game from now on.
Viewing post in Cat King's Long Journey (GMTK Jam 2024) jam comments
Here's my more in-depth thoughts for the game. Thought I might make it up to you / the other games I kinda skimmed over by doing a more full review. The same way I do over dms since I tend to feel more comfortable over a 1:1. So here goes, cough cough:
Game Review Time 
What I liked
The art assets are very clean with a consistent pixel resolution being kept throughout the project. Art design wise the colours used are concise and readable, with the end goal always being clear via a good utilization of outline. The main mechanic of stretching a cat out is pretty unique and funny whilst reminding me of the mobile game where there's a very similar mechanic with birds attempting to get fruit. The variety of levels are also good. The animations are also a nice polished touch.
Sound wise, the game is pretty solid with music which doesn't get grating and can be looped for long periods of time along with sound effects for cats taking damage or for moving.
What I didn't like
The level progression seems to be a little off as I struggled with level 4 and 3 more than I did with level 5 and then level 8 being just a simple victory level effectively means you have 7 levels. Which isn't bad for a jam, don't get me wrong, really solid work all around. My issue isn't with the puzzles themselves but rather the order if that makes sense? I feel as if Level 5 and 4 can be switched around.
The main menu has a level select screen which is really good, but is a little plain. I would love to see a classic title screen and the ability to see the credits which aren't on the page.
Potential Improvements
The only thing I'd really want to see out of this game is more. It's a pretty solid design core which needs a bit more room to explore some other ideas. Some additional features such as an Undo might be nice, but not absolutely necessary.
Overall Thoughts
I'm again sorry for skimming over the game. I hope this goes some way to making up for it. The game was really solid, with what I personally found to be a nice sense of humour, due to it's sheer absurdity. My favourite level was level 7. I don't want to spoil the solution for anyone potentially reading this, but the title is apt.
Thanks for giving it a go and glad you enjoyed it!
I didn't anticipate level 4 being as tricky as it was since I didn't have anyone playtest it 😂
If I continue it I can try to put things in a better order.
The menus were pretty last minute as well so I didn't have time to make a better one 😅
I appreciate the detailed review, and again, no worries. There are lots of games out there so I just think it's good to try to have fun with them