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So I have... complicated emotions about this game. Lets just start by saying, the art direction is very good, the graphical polish and the presentation are there and doing a great job.

However, when it comes to the actual gameplay, a lot is left to be desired. Enemies spawn at random and there is too much to cover to really make a plan, towers have very little feedback in terms of telling what they're actually doing (and lowering graphic settings seem to remove some important effects altogether), it is impossible (I think) to avoid damage outright and RNG is mostly taking the wheel, and there isn't any explanation for what the individual towers do (I couldn't figure out what the blue shooty piece did because of the afore-mentioned graphics settings bug).

I think the game quite fits the theme, but it's hard to judge with how little of the gameplay I got to constructively interract with. However I don't think any of this is impossible to fix and it could easily turn into quite an enjoyable game with the right amount of polishing, the assets and the presention is all there after all and those in charge of such did a fantastic job of their own. I don't know whether this is a victim of over-ambition or if something broke unexpectedly before launch, but I truly wish this game the best as the premise is quite there.


Thank you very much for your thorough explanation of what could make this game better! We agree that this game has a lot potential with the right amount of polish :D

Thank you for playing :)