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A member registered Mar 18, 2020 · View creator page →

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Heyo Az! You can send them anywhere really, even in here. Otherwise my DMs are open on Twitter

I've seen other sort of "scripted platformer" games but this one takes the cake for being essentially an AI scripting game. The "reverse tutorial" fluff really fits the game's concept and it all plays great. Ironically the difficulty progression acts as a great tutorial for the reverse tutorial game. All in all a fantastic game!

Great game y'all got here! The artsyle is amazing and the palette swapping is a real nice touch.  I very much appreciate there being a speedrunning mode. The gameplay is solid if not for the frog feeling a bit awkward (giving it some visual to show arc and/or charge would make it much better imo) and the lizard sometimes breaking and getting you stuck into walls. Granted no issues that can't just be ironed out with a little bit of polish. Otherwise had a great experience!

Cool twist on minesweeper. It does need a fair bit of understanding of general minesweeper strategy to force as much guessing as possible, but I don't think there's a real way to guarantee a win? It could do with something to shake up the gameplay a little bit but I'm not sure what exactly. Execution and presentation are about as good as they can be though!

Funny idea, would actually be a really enjoyable point-and-click game with more time to cook!

Cute graphics and fun gameplay. Liked having all the different elements to look through to figure out the correct guess. Sells the job of being a quest giver in a guild quite well!

Not quite, I noticed sometimes the discard pile gets stacked weird and some cards clip through the rest of the pile, and I noticed (albeit might be wrong) that after that point the AIs seem to play random cards. I'm not sure what causes it exactly, if it's related to the game ending but not working quite as right, or if it's related to the size of the pile.

And yea jam timelines to be like that. I'm sure the game can turn into something unique and really enjoyable with some work.

This game looks and feels insane. I freaking love it. The only negative is there isn't more of it

Fantastic puzzle game, very straight forward and with nice graphics. There isn't really much to say other than how good this is.  I can easily see it expanding into something much bigger and extremely enjoyable if wanted!

Seems to have a tendency to break unfortunately, but I really enjoy the concept. Could do with some more unit variety but for the time constraints of the jam it's pretty good!

Interseting concept, the game seems to have a tendency to break unfortunately, but I assume there isn't really an ending and it's mostly a proof of concept? That being said, it is fun to try and predict how the turn will pan out ahead of time and I could see this becoming a very enjoyable game with more time to cook!

Real funny puzzle game. The introduction to each level is very well written and fitting. Somehow made having little control over the game really enjoyable. Well dev'd!

From frog crossing the road to car crossing the jungle is a very funny flip over of the concept. I do wish it was a bit easier to tell when the frog is going to show up as it feels the game sort of encourages moving fast but there's actually little incentive to not hide at every bush. I noticed there can also be huge gaps without bushes and I'm not sure if that's just RNG doing its thing.

Well executed and great presentation otherwise!

Took a lot of inspiration from rythm games, in fact I was hoping to implement more such as a beat and coordinating the balls movements so that they follow such beat, but I felt that would've massively increased the scope of the project

I've been seeing a lot of these quest giving games but this one really stands out with its real great artstyle and writing. Great job on the team! Would be amazing to see this evolve into a full fledged game.

This is actually such a good game. Real clever puzzle game and real cute!

Yep, up to 90 balls the difficulty scaling is hand picked to keep some variety, then things scale mostly linearly up to the 200th ball

Funny and goofy game, simple concept and the graphics really fit the og asteroid aesthetics. Well done. Also I found a silly exploit.

Noted indeed. There's definitelly plenty more that could be done, I just tried to keep it simple to cut on testing time.

Very cool puzzle game and really polished graphics!

Only minor feedback I have is that people might eventually get tired of tapping to move and holding left click might feel less awkward. Rotating the camera could be tied to right click instead.

Otherwise it's a very well made entry with a lot of potential for growth!

Really funny idea, gameplay balance feels a bit undercooked unfortunately. Making it so the bottles can't hit the fighters while they're being knocked upward by the stage might have made it a bit less reliant on RNG. Could easily get fixed into a real funny minigame though! 

Not the easiest game to play but the concept works VERY well despite how outlandish it sounds. Well played sir.

Amazing idea, amazing gameplay, amazing graphics. That hammering animation makes for one crazy addicting game. Absolutelly well done!

Cool card game concept, having to think ahead to figure out how to chain elements into each others to either benefit yourself or keep doing damage to the enemy leads to some good braining.

Conceptually a really cool game. The balance is a bit whacky however, since soldiers get more expensive for both sides as you buy them, and they being the main source of income, the most effective strategy seems to be to just have one strong tower on one side, then crank out as many soldiers on the other to toss them into the grinder. This could've lead to more interesting gameplay choices if instead you had to upgrade the soldiers on each side individually to maximize money efficiency, then use towers to blast them more efficiently for more money gains.

Otherwise, it sounds nice and looks nice! Really enjoyable game with a lot of potential!

I actually love the concept of this game, and looks really well polished on top of that!

I have a feeling the second road type is not very useful however as I find the game quickly becomes essentially upgrading roads to ice on the areas that have the most tower coverage.

I like the idea that specific colored tanks cant be targeted by towers of that color but there isn't much way to abuse that mechanic with the tank spawns being random so on multi-lane maps you're sort of praying for RNG. Having ways to control and filter the flow would be fantastic imo.

Tower spawns being based on where the roads are also leads to wanting to place dummy roads in far away areas to reduce spawns in areas where they actually make a difference, which leads to a potential strategy of destroying and rebuilding roads to prevent towers from spawning on their path, which might and might not be intended strategy.

Overall a really creative idea that can lead to some crazy potential given enough time to cook!

Game looks a little goofy and is a bit slow, but seeing it was made on a custom engine it's funny for what it is. The theme implementation is pretty clever tho!

Funny take on reverse Cookie Clicker, but the gameplay is also pretty good with the enemy variety and the milk to shake it up once in a while. Presentation looks pretty polished too!

Variety was most definitelly an idea, but didn't want to add more complexity to the game considering how hard it already gets and it would've needed more time spent playtesting and balancing. Will consider post-jam tho! Thanks for playing the game and good luck to you as well!

Funny idea and cute graphics! As already mentioned, the screenshake is a lil bit excessive and it's near impossible to make any real decision beyond running in circles and praying. I can see it being a real funny minigame with that toned down however.

Real funny idea! The gameplay really makes you feel the pain of being constantly interrupted

Incredibly cute game. I love the concept of being a clueless goofball and getting by through context clues. 10/10 would get peer pressured again

It's a very unique idea, could lead to some real cool gameplay given enough time to polish and add more gameplay variety. Even just as a proof of concept, the idea of slowly engulfing the map as time goes on is great. It could just use a bit of a difficulty curve increase as units are taken off the board since as it stands the boards are at their hardest early on.

I really like the idea, I can totally see the concept of a competitive minesweeper turning into its own subgenre of minesweeper given more polish. Only minor suggestion I'd give is to maybe add a sound or more pronounced visual cue to the bar being full

I was fearing this was going to be a little too similar to what I made but I have the pleasure to announce it's actually way better than that. This game is fantastic in the sense it both amuses me in a meta way and drives me insane. 10/10 would watch my little nephew play minesweeper again.

Unfortunately for as much as I love this game I can see it being mostly a gimmick due to how slow it feels and realistically not having much way to speed it up without ruining the concept. It's definitelly an S+ in creativity though. Including a beginner map was a great call.

Finally players get to experience our post-jam arthritis

Banger meta game btw

Cute little game and neat idea. It could definitelly be expanded further especially on the side of paradoxes, such as creating obstacle courses where you can only cross a certain path or only land on a certain platform once. Reverse time lends itself really well to puzzle mechanics and I figured this could see a lot more of those as well, such as one-time use springs to simulate landing from big heights and such. This would've most likely been too much for the time restraints but being able to see the whole level replay at forward speed would've been a fantastic way to end a level.

This game is actually an undercover data gathering social experiment to rat out the secret martian cow society don't believe the dev's lies

Absolutelly loved the goofy presentation and the concept. Really makes you feel immersed in the fantasy of trying to use alien tech without opposable thumbs.

I suppose there isn't much to it gameplay-wise but the idea and the goofy presentation are pretty great

Real unfortunate this came out undercooked, but it's an actual genious idea of a game. I could easily see this being like one of those shop selling games but with a fresh thematic twist. Would be great to see it patched up in the future!