Footage from the end of my playthrough (that's the end because I lost my ability to gain experience):
Things of note:
* sound effects of the cat (meow) and of picking up experience and hearts (ding, blop respectively) dissappeared suddenly while on lvl 36, don't know why, maybe I picked up too many exp at once;
* my magical owner steadily became more and more overbearing throughout the playtrough, now they wouldn't leave me be if they can help it. Their gained speed made it possible to make it seem as though I control the Mage themselves (could be seen at the start of the video, before I trapped them between two tomstones). I unfortunately don't remember what speed percentage they have;
* for the small price of losing my ability to progress I got a cool shiny trail ^_^ (could be seen after I trapped the Mage)
* near Wizard camera would do some funny things, I managed to flip it upside-down once (and only once, no matter how hard i tried);
Endgame stats (I had to go far away to die):
also the game stopped responding after I tried to get to the main menu, though it probably has more to do with my computer, than your game.
Overall I had lots of fun! Very well done, thank you for making this game!